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Malachi Book_Chapter 2

O priests, this commandment is passed down to you. The Lord of hosts has said, “If y…

O priests, this commandment is passed down to you.

The Lord of hosts has said, “If you do not listen and do not take it to heart, and give glory to my name, then I will bring a curse on you and make your blessings a curse.”. I have cursed you because you did not take the commandments to heart.

I will rebuke your seeds and spread the feces of your sacrifices on your faces. You must remove it together with the feces.

Then you will know that I have sent this commandment to you, so that the covenant between me and the Levites may continue. This is what the Lord of armies has said.

I made a covenant with him for life and peace. I will give these two things to him, so that he may have a reverence for me and fear my name.

The true law is in his mouth, and there are no unjust words in his mouth. He walked with me in peace and righteousness, causing many to turn away from their sins.

Let knowledge be stored in the mouth of the priest, and let men seek the law from his mouth, for he is the messenger of the Lord Almighty.

But you have deviated from the right path, causing many to fall in the law. You have abandoned the covenant between me and Levi. This is what the Lord of armies has said.

Therefore, I have made you despised by everyone and considered you lowly, because you have not kept my way and have shown partiality in the law.

Aren’t we all one father? Isn’t it created by a god? Why do we all deal deceitfully with our brothers and betray the covenant between God and our ancestors?

The Jews acted deceitfully and did an detestable thing in Israel and Jerusalem. Because the Jews blasphemed the holiness that the Lord loved, and married women who served foreign gods.

Anyone who does this, even if they offer an offering to the Lord of hosts, the Lord will cut them off from Jacob’s tent.

You have done something like this again, causing your ex-wife to sigh and cry with tears, covering the altar of the Lord, so that the Lord no longer cares about the offering and is not willing to accept it from your hands.

You still say, why is this? Because the Lord bears witness between you and the wife you married in your youth. Although she is your spouse and the wife of your covenant, you treat her with deceit.

Although God has the power of a spirit to create many people, does he not create one person alone? Why only create one person? It is his wish for devout descendants. Therefore, guard your hearts and let no one deceive the wife of their youth.

The Lord, the God of Israel, says, I hate the divorce of my wife and the act of violence against her. Therefore, guard your hearts and do not engage in deceit. This is what the Lord of armies has said.

You have troubled the Lord with your words, and you have said, In what way have we troubled him? Because you say, ‘All those who do evil are good in the eyes of the Lord, and he delights in them.’. Or rather, where is the righteous God?




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