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Jeremiah_Chapter 4

And the Lord said, O Israel, if you return to me, and if you remove your detestable idols …

And the Lord said, O Israel, if you return to me, and if you remove your detestable idols from my sight, then you will not be removed.

You will swear by the living Lord in truth, fairness, and righteousness. The nations shall call themselves blessed in the Lord, and shall boast in him.

This is what the Lord said to Judah and Jerusalem: Cultivate your wasteland and do not sow among thorns.

Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, circumcise yourselves and return to the Lord, and remove the filth from your hearts. I am afraid my anger will ignite due to your evil deeds, like a fire that no one can extinguish.

Proclaim in Judah and proclaim in Jerusalem, ‘Blow the trumpet in the land and shout loudly,’ Gather yourselves together. ‘. We can enter the fortified city.

A great flag should be erected towards Zion. Escape, do not delay, for I will bring disaster and great destruction from the north.

A lion comes up from the dense forest, it is a destroyer of nations. It has set out from its place to make your land desolate and your cities uninhabited.

Therefore, tie sackcloth around your waist and mourn loudly, for the fierce anger of the Lord has not turned away from us.

At that time, says the Lord, the hearts of kings and leaders will be destroyed. The priests will be amazed, and the prophets will be amazed.

I said, it’s sad. O Lord GOD, truly you have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, You will find peace. Actually, swords and knives have harmed lives.

At that time, there will be a word to this people and Jerusalem, saying, A hot wind will come from the high places of the wilderness to my daughter, not to wince or purify.

There must be a stronger wind blowing for me from these places. Now I will make a judgment against them again.

See, the enemy will come up like a cloud. His chariots are like a whirlwind, and his horses are faster than eagles. We are in trouble. We have fallen.

Jerusalem, wash away the evil in your heart, so that you may be saved. How long will evil thoughts exist in your heart?

A voice spreads from Dan, bringing disaster from Mount Ephraim.

Speak to the nations and report the attack on Jerusalem, saying, A visitor from afar will come and shout loudly towards the cities of Judah.

They are attacking Jerusalem around them like guardians of the fields, because she has betrayed me. This is what the Lord has said.

Your actions, your actions, provoke this matter. This is the result of your sin, it is truly bitter and has harmed your heart.

My heart aches, my heart aches. My heart is restless and restless inside me. I cannot remain silent because I have already heard the sound of horns and the cries of war.

The destruction of information keeps in constant contact because the entire land is abandoned. My tent suddenly collapsed. My curtain burst in an instant.

I see the big flag and hear the sound of horns. How long will it be?

The Lord said, My nature is foolish, and I do not know you. They are foolish and ignorant children, wise in doing evil, and ignorant in doing good.

The prophet said, When I looked at the earth, I saw that it was empty and chaotic. I watch the sky, and there is no light in it.

I looked at the mountains, but to my surprise, they all shook, and the small mountains also shook back and forth.

I watched, but to my surprise, there was no one. Birds in the air also take refuge.

I watched, but to my surprise, the fertile fields turned into wasteland. All cities are destroyed before the Lord because of his fierce anger.

This is what the Lord says: The whole land will be desolate, but I will not destroy it completely.

Therefore, the earth shall mourn, and the heavens above shall be dark. Because my words have been spoken, my intentions have been determined, and I will not regret or change my mind.

The people of each city fled due to the sound of their cavalry and archers, entering the dense forest and climbing up to the rock. Each city was left behind, with no one living in it.

What should you do when you are desolate? Although you wear vermilion clothes, gold decorations, and paint your eyes, such beauty is in vain. Those who love you despise you and seek your life.

I heard a voice, like the voice of a woman in labor, like the pain of giving birth to a first child, like the voice of a Zion woman. She was panting,?? Rub your hand and say, I’m in trouble. In front of the killer, my heart went numb.


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