
Isaiah_Chapter 8

The Lord said to me, “Take a large plaque and write it with a pen that is commonly used by men, Maher Salal Hashbaz.”. (It means to plunder quickly and seize quickly.)

I will record this matter with honest witnesses, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberiah.

I, Isaiah, slept with my wife, a prophetess. She was pregnant and gave birth to a son, and the Lord said to me, Give her name Maher Salal Hashbaz.

For before the child knows to call his father and mother, the treasures of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria will be carried before the king of Assyria.

And the Lord spake to me, saying,

This people despised the slow flowing waters of Siloah and rejoiced in Rezin and the son of Remaliah.

Therefore, the Lord will cause the tumultuous waters of the great river to surge forth, even the king of Assyria and all his might. It will overflow all waterways and flood both sides.

It will rush into Judah. Swelling and overflowing all the way to the neck. Emmanuel, he spreads his wings and fills your land.

O people of all nations, let your clamor be, and you will eventually be destroyed. Listen attentively, O people from afar. Even if you tie up your waist, you will eventually be destroyed. Tie up your waist, and you will eventually be destroyed.

Even if you conspire, there will ultimately be none. No matter what you say, it will never hold true. Because God is with us.

The Lord, with his mighty hand, taught me not to walk in the way of this people, saying to me,

This people say, conspire to betray; do not say, conspire to betray. Don’t be afraid of what they are afraid of, and don’t be afraid either.

But we must respect the Lord of armies as holy. What you should fear, what you should fear.

He will be a sanctuary. But he made a stumbling stone and a falling rock for the two families of Israel. To the inhabitants of Jerusalem, as a trap and trap.

Many people will stumble and fall on it, and it will shatter, falling into a trap and being entangled.

Roll up the book of the law and seal the teachings among my disciples.

I will wait for the Lord, who hides his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look up to him.

See, I and the children whom the Lord has given me, who come from the Lord of hosts who resides on Mount Zion, are signs and miracles in Israel.

Someone said to you, ‘Ask those who engage in ghosts and witchcraft, they are those who speak softly and speak softly.’. And you answered, Should not the people ask their own gods? How can one ask the dead for the living?

People should take instruction and laws as their standards. If what they say does not match this, they will not see the morning light.

They will pass through this land, suffering hardship and hunger. When hungry, my heart becomes restless, cursing my own king and my own god.

Looking up at the heavens and looking down at the earth, unexpectedly, it was full of difficulties, darkness, and dark pain. They will be driven into the dark darkness.

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