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Ezra_Chapter 4

The enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that those who had returned from captivity had bui…

The enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that those who had returned from captivity had built a house for the Lord, the God of Israel,

Then he went to Zerubbabel and the chiefs of Israel, and said to them, Let us build together with you. Because we seek your God, just like you. Since King Isaac Haddon of Assyria brought us up to this land, we have been constantly worshipping God.

But Zerubbabel, Jeshua, and the other chiefs of Israel said to them, We have nothing to do with you when we build the temple of God. We have worked together to build it for the Lord, the God of Israel, as commanded by King Cyrus of Persia.

The people of that land made their hands weak and disturbed the Jews during their construction.

From the reign of King Cyrus of Persia until the reign of King Darius of Persia, he bribed counselors to corrupt their schemes.

When Ahasuerus ascended to the throne, I accused the residents of Judah and Jerusalem.

During the reign of Artaxerxes, Bishram, Mithridad, Taber, and their companions submitted a memorial to Artaxerxes the king of Persia. This chapter is written in Aramaic script and dialect.

Governor Lihong and Secretary Shenshuai are going to accuse the people of Jerusalem, and they have also submitted a memorial to King Artaxerxes.

Governor Lihong, Secretary Shenshuai, and his companions Dinah, Aphasatigarh, Tapirah, Alphazzar, Achiwei, Babylon, Shushangarh, Dihai, and Elam,

And the great Asnabas were relocated and placed in the city of Samaria, as well as in the area west of the river,

King Adaxuerxes said, ‘The people on the west bank of the river are like clouds.’.

The king should know that the Jews who came up to us from the king have come to Jerusalem to rebuild this rebellious and wicked city, building its foundations and walls.

Now the king should know that if they build this city and the walls are completed, they will no longer pay tribute, taxes, or taxes to the king, and the king will suffer losses in the long run.

We both eat imperial salt and cannot bear to see the king suffer losses, so we report to the king.

Please examine the records of the previous kings and find out that this city is a rebellious one, harmful to the kings and provinces. Since ancient times, there have been rebellious incidents, and as a result, this city has been demolished.

We hereby inform the king that if this city is built again and the walls are completed, the king of the land west of the river will have no share.

At that time, the king spoke to the governor Lihong, the secretary Shenshuai, and their companions who lived in Samaria and the area west of the river, saying, May you have peace and prosperity.

The book you submitted has been clearly read before me.

I have ordered someone to investigate and find out that this city has indeed betrayed the kings since ancient times, and there are often rebellions and rebellions in it.

Once upon a time, there was a great king in Jerusalem who ruled over all the land west of the river, and people brought tribute, taxes, and taxes to them.

Now issue a proclamation ordering these people to stop construction, so that this city cannot be built, until I issue a decree.

Be careful not to delay, why allow the harm to worsen and cause the king to suffer losses?

The edict of King Artaxerxes was read in front of Rehum, the scribe Shimshuai, and their companions. They hurriedly went to Jerusalem to meet the Jews and used their power to force them to stop work.

So the construction of the temple in Jerusalem stopped until the second year of King Darius of Persia.


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