
Ezra_Chapter 6

So King Darius issued an edict to search for the treasure trove in Babylon.

A scroll was found in the palace of Amata City in the province of Medal, which reads:,

In the first year of King Cyrus, he issued a decree regarding the temple of God in Jerusalem, to build it as a place of sacrifice and to establish the foundation of the temple. The temple is sixty cubits high and sixty cubits wide,

Using three layers of large stones and one layer of new wood, the funds will come from the king’s treasury.

And the gold and silver vessels of the temple of God, which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem to Babylon, shall be returned to the temple in Jerusalem and placed in their original places in the temple of God.

Now be far away from the governors Danai and Shetabosnah on the west side of the river, and from your fellow countrymen, the people of Aphasacah who live on the west side of the river.

Do not obstruct the work of the temple of God, let the governors of Judah and the elders of Judah build this temple of God in its original place.

I have also issued a decree ordering you to do what you should to the elders of Judah to build the temple of God, that is, to quickly allocate tribute silver from the funds west of the river for their expenses, so as not to delay their work.

They shall provide to the gods of heaven the bullocks, rams, lambs, and the wheat, salt, wine, and oil they need for burnt offerings, as the priests of Jerusalem have said, every day without error.

So that they may offer a fragrant offering to the gods in heaven, and pray for the longevity of the king and his sons.

I hereby issue a decree that whoever changes this command will have a beam torn down from his house, lifted up and suspended from it, and his house made a pile of dung.

If any king or people stretch out their hands to change this command and demolish this temple, may the God who makes the temple of Jerusalem a dwelling place for his name destroy them. I, Darius, have given this decree, and I will do it quickly.

So Darnay, the governor of Hexi, and Shetabosnay, along with their companions, quickly followed the orders issued by King Darius.

The elders of Judah built this temple and prospered in all things because of the words of encouragement given by the prophet Haggai and Zechariah, the son of Iddo. They completed the construction in accordance with the command of the God of Israel and the will of King Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes of Persia.

In the sixth year of King Darius, on the third day of the month Adar, this temple was completed.

The priests and Levites of Israel, as well as the other exiles who returned, joyfully performed the dedication of the temple of God.

And as for the offering of the temple of God, he offered a hundred bulls, two hundred rams, and four hundred lambs, and twelve male goats according to the number of the tribes of Israel as a sin offering for all Israel.

And he appointed priests and Levites to serve God in Jerusalem according to their divisions, as written in the book of the law of Moses.

On the fourteenth day of the first month, those who had returned from captivity celebrated the Passover.

For the priests and Levites purified themselves together, and no one was unclean. The Levites slaughtered the Passover lambs for the people who had returned from captivity and their brothers and priests.

The Israelites who returned from the land of captivity, and all those who had defiled the foreigners and surrendered to them, seeking the Lord the God of Israel, will eat this lamb,

Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Yeast for seven days with joy and joy. For the Lord made them glad, and turned the heart of the king of Assyria to them, strengthening their hands to work on the temple of Israel.

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