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Ephesian Book_Chapter 6

As children, it is natural for you to obey your parents in the Lord. Be filial to your par…

As children, it is natural for you to obey your parents in the Lord.

Be filial to your parents, so that you may be blessed and live a long life. This is the first commandment with promise.

Fathers, do not provoke your children, but raise them according to the Lord’s teaching and warning.

Servants, be afraid and trembling, obedient to your physical masters with an honest heart, just as you have obeyed Christ.

Do not serve only in front of your eyes, as if you are pleasing to others, but be like a servant of Christ, doing God’s will from the heart.

Serving willingly is like serving the Lord, not like serving people.

Because it is known that every good deed done by anyone, whether slave or free, will receive the reward of the Lord according to their deeds

You, as masters, treat your servants the same way: do not intimidate them. Because they know that they and you have the same Lord in heaven, and he does not show favoritism towards anyone.

I have the last words, you must rely on the Lord, rely on his great power and strength, and become strong men.

Wearing the full military uniform bestowed by God is enough to resist the devilish schemes.

Because we are not fighting against those who belong to the flesh, but against those who govern, hold power, govern this dark world, and fight against demons who belong to the spirit of the sky. (Both original texts of the two battles are called wrestling)

So take up the full armor that God has given you, so that in the day of tribulation, you may resist your enemies and achieve everything, and still be able to stand.

So stand firm, tie your waist with truth as a belt, and cover your chest with righteousness as a protective mirror.

And he put the gospel of peace on his feet as a prepared shoe for walking,

Moreover, holding faith as a vine card, one can destroy all the rockets of that evil one.

And put on the helmet of salvation, and hold the sword of the Holy Spirit, which is the word of God.

Through the Holy Spirit, pray and pray in many ways at all times, and be vigilant and tireless here, praying for all the saints,

Also pray for me, that I may have eloquence, that I may speak boldly and speak the mysteries of the gospel,

I have been a chained messenger for the mystery of this gospel, and have made me speak boldly according to my duty.

Now there is a beloved and faithful brother named Tychicus who serves the Lord. He will tell you all about my affairs and my situation, so that you may know.

I have sent him specifically to you, so that you may know our situation and let him comfort your hearts.

May peace, love, and faith be with the brothers, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

And may all those who truly love our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed.




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