首页 Ephesian Book Ephesian Book_Chapter 2

Ephesian Book_Chapter 2

You died in sin and sin, and he called you to come back to life, At that time, you acted i…

You died in sin and sin, and he called you to come back to life,

At that time, you acted in it and followed the customs of this world, obeying the leaders of the rulers of the air, who are now evil spirits operating in the hearts of rebellious sons.

We used to be among them, indulging in the desires of the flesh and following the desires of the flesh and mind. We were originally sons of wrath, just like others.

However, God has abundant mercy. Because of his great love for us,

When we die in sin, let us live together with Christ. (Your salvation was born out of grace)

He also raised us up together with Christ Jesus, and sat us together in heaven,

To show to the future generations his extremely rich grace, which he has shown us in Christ Jesus.

You were saved by grace, and by faith, not by yourselves, but by God.

It’s not out of behavior, to avoid anyone boasting.

We were created by His work in Christ Jesus to do good, which God prepared for us to do.

Therefore, remember that you were once Gentiles according to the flesh, and were called uncircumcised. This name was given to those who were called uncircumcised by human hands on the flesh.

At that time, you had nothing to do with Christ, and were outsiders in the promises made by the people of Israel. And living in this world has no hope, no God.

You who used to be far away from God are now in Christ Jesus, through his blood, you have been drawn in.

Because he brought us peace, he merged the two into one and broke down the wall that separated us in the middle.

And with one’s own body, abolish the enmity, which is the rule written in the law. To create a new person through oneself, in order to achieve harmony.

And having put an end to the enmity on the cross, he made the two parts one and reconciled with God through this cross.

And come and preach the gospel of peace to those far away, and to those near.

Because both of us were able to enter the Father’s presence through the feeling of a Holy Spirit through him.

In this way, you will no longer be outsiders or travelers, but will be fellow countrymen with the saints and members of the house of God.

And it was built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as a corner stone.

Through him, all the rooms were connected and gradually became the temple of the Lord.

You are also built together through him as the dwelling place of God through the Holy Spirit.




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