
Ephesian Book_Chapter 3

Therefore, I, Paul, have been the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles, praying for you (as added in verse 14)

I believe you have heard that God has bestowed grace upon me, entrusting me with the duty of caring for you,

Use revelation to make me aware of the mysteries of the gospel, as I have briefly written before.

If you read it, you will know that I deeply understand the mysteries of Christ.

This mystery was not known in previous generations, just as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets through the Holy Spirit.

This mystery is that through the gospel, the Gentiles were able to be one heirs, one body, and one promised in Christ Jesus.

I have become a minister of this gospel, according to the gift of God. This gift was bestowed upon me according to his great power in operation.

I was originally even smaller than the youngest among the saints. However, he also bestowed upon me this grace, that I may proclaim the unfathomable richness of Christ to the Gentiles.

And he made everyone understand how the mystery hidden in the God who created all things throughout history was arranged.

To make the rulers and rulers of heaven, through the church, now aware of all the wisdom of God.

This is according to the will of God, which was determined in our Lord Christ Jesus from all ages ago.

Because we believe in Jesus, we come to God with courage and unwavering faith in him.

So I pray you, do not be discouraged by the troubles I have endured for you. This was originally your glory.

Therefore, I bend my knees in front of my father,

All the households in heaven and earth are named after him

May he strengthen the strength of your hearts through his spirit, according to his abundant glory,

Let Christ dwell in your hearts through your faith, so that your love may have roots and foundations,

To understand together with all the saints how long, wide, and deep the love of Christ is,

And knowing that this love is beyond the measure of man, so that all that God is filled with may fill you.

God is able to achieve everything beyond our desires and thoughts, full of the power that runs in our hearts.

May he be glorified in the church and in Christ Jesus for generations to come, forever and ever. Amen.

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