
Chronicles of the Past Dynasties_Chapter 17

David lived in his own palace and said to the prophet Nathan, “Look, I am living in a palace made of cedar, and the ark of the Lord is inside the curtain.”.

Nathan said to David, “Do as you please, for God is with you.”.

That night, the word of God came to Nathan, saying,

Go and tell my servant David, saying, This is what the Lord says: You shall not build a house for me to dwell in.

Since I led the Israelites out of Egypt until today, I have not resided in a temple, but from one tent to another, from one tent to another.

Wherever I go with the Israelites, have I ever said to one of the judges of Israel, who I commanded to feed my people, ‘Why did you not build me a house of cedar wood?’?

Now tell my servant David, ‘This is what the Lord of hosts says:’ I have summoned you from the sheepfold, so that you will no longer follow the flock and make you ruler over my people Israel. ‘.

Wherever you go, I will always be with you, cutting off all your enemies. I will give you a great name, just like the great and famous people in the world.

I will choose a place for my people Israel and cultivate them, so that they may live in their own place and not move again. The ferocious son is not as troubling as before,

It’s not like when I ordered judges to rule over my people Israel. I will subdue all your enemies, and I, the Lord, have promised you to build a house for you.

When your lifespan is fulfilled for your ancestors, I will make your descendants inherit your throne, and I will establish his kingdom.

He will build a temple for me. I will strengthen his throne forever.

I will be his father, he will be my son. I will not let my love leave him, just like Saul before you.

But I will forever establish him in my home and my country. His throne will also be steadfast forever.

Nathan told David according to all these words and according to this revelation.

So King David went in and sat before the Lord, saying, O Lord God, who am I? What is my home, you have brought me to this point?

God, this is still small in your eyes, and you have promised your servant’s house to be eternal. O Lord God, you have taken care of me as you have taken care of a noble person.

What else can I say about the honor you have bestowed upon your servant? Because you know your servant.

O Lord, you have done this great thing and made it clear because of your servant and according to your will.

O Lord, as we have heard in our ears, there is no one like you, and there is no other God besides you.

What people in the world can compare to your people Israel? Your God redeemed them from Egypt as his own people, and carried out great and terrifying acts in front of the people you redeemed, driving out the nations and revealing your great name.

You have made the Israelites your people forever. You, Lord, are also their God.

O Lord, be steadfast in the words you have promised your servants and their families forever, and do as you have said.

May your name be established forever and be honored, saying, The Lord of hosts is the God of Israel, the God of Israel who governs. So the house of your servant David will be established before you.

My God, because you have revealed to your servant that I will build a house for you, your servant boldly prays before you.

O Lord, only you are God, and you have promised to give this blessing to your servants.

Now you are pleased to bless the house of your servants, which will forever exist before you. O Lord, you have blessed and will bless forever.

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