
Chronicles of the Past Dynasties_Chapter 16

The people brought in the ark of God and placed it in the tent that David had set up, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before God.

After David finished offering burnt offerings and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord,

And distribute to the Israelites, male and female, one loaf of bread, one piece of meat, and one grape cake per person.

David sent several Levites to serve in front of the ark of the Lord, praising, giving thanks, and praising the Lord, the God of Israel,

Asah was the leader, followed by Zechariah, Jazeel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattathiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obededom, Jeri, and the harp and harp. Only Asa struck cymbals and made a loud noise.

Priests Benaiah and Jahaziel often blow trumpets in front of the ark of God.

On that day, David first praised the Lord with a song through Asaph and his brothers, saying,

Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, and proclaim his works among all the people.

Sing poetry to him, praise him, and talk about all his wonderful works.

To boast in his holy name. Let those who seek the Lord rejoice in their hearts.

Seek the Lord and his power, always seek his face.

Remember his wondrous works and his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth, O descendants of Israel, his servants, and the descendants of Jacob whom he has chosen.

He is the Lord our God, and his judgment is in all the earth.

Remember his covenant forever. The words he commanded lasted for a thousand generations,

It is the covenant made with Abraham and the oath made to Isaac.

And he made this covenant a law to Jacob, and an eternal covenant to Israel,

I will give you the land of Canaan as a portion of your inheritance.

At that time, your population was limited and your number was scarce, and you were sojourners in that land.

They traveled from one country to another, from one country to another.

The Lord will not let anyone bully them, and will rebuke the king for their sake,

Saying, Do not make it difficult for me to be anointed, and do not do evil to my prophets.

Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Spread his salvation every day,

Declare his glory among the nations, and his wonders among the nations.

Because the Lord is great, he deserves great praise. He should be revered above all gods.

All the gods of the nations are of nothingness, but the Lord has created the heavens.

Honor and majesty are before him, power and joy are in his sanctuary.

O nations of the people, give glory and strength to the Lord, all to the Lord.

Give the glory that the name of the Lord deserves to him, and bring an offering before him. Worship the Lord with holy adornment.

The whole world shall tremble before him, and the world shall remain steadfast and unshakable.

May the heavens be joyful, and may the earth be happy. May people say among the nations, ‘The Lord has become king.’.

May the sea and the surging within. May Tian and all of them be joyful.

At that time, all the trees in the forest will cheer before the Lord, because he has come to judge the whole earth.

Praise be to the Lord. Because he is inherently good, his love endures forever.

Say, O God our Savior, save us, gather us, and deliver us from the Gentiles, so that we may praise your holy name and triumph in your praise.

Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from ancient times to eternity. All the people said, Amen. And praise the Lord.

David appointed Asaph and his brothers to serve the Lord constantly in front of the Ark, fulfilling their daily duties.

And he appointed Obed Edom and his brothers sixty-eight, and Obed Edom the son of Jedudun and Hosah as gatekeepers.

And he appointed the priest Zadok and his brothers and priests to offer burnt offerings to the Lord on the high altar in Gibeon, in front of the tabernacle of the Lord, every morning and evening, as commanded by the Book of the Law of the Lord to the Israelites.

And with them were sent Heman, Jedudun, and the others who were chosen and named, to give thanks to the Lord, for his mercy endures forever.

Heman and Jedudun played trumpets and cymbals with them, making loud sounds, and sang praises to God with other instruments. The descendants of Jedudun serve as gatekeepers.

So all the people returned to their respective homes. David also went back to bless his family.

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