首页 Zechariah Zechariah_Chapter 2

Zechariah_Chapter 2

I looked up again and saw a person holding a compass. I said, where are you going? He said…

I looked up again and saw a person holding a compass.

I said, where are you going? He said to me, ‘Go and measure Jerusalem to see how wide and how long it is.’.

When the angel who was speaking to me went, another angel met him,

Say to him, Run and tell the young man, ‘Jerusalem will be inhabited like a walled countryside, because there are many people and livestock.’.

The Lord said, I will be a city of fire around Jerusalem, and I will be its glory.

The Lord said, I scattered you in the four corners of heaven. Like the four winds of heaven, now flee back from the land of the north. This is what the Lord has said.

Escape, O Zion people who dwell with the Babylonians.

The Lord of hosts has said, After appearing in glory, send me to punish the nations that have taken you captive. Touching you is touching the pupil in his eyes.

See, I will wave my hand at them, and they will be a prey to those who serve them, and you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me.

Rejoice and sing, O city of Zion, for I have come to dwell among you. This is what the Lord has said.

At that time, many nations will submit to the Lord and become my people. He will dwell among you, and you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you.

The Lord will reclaim Judah as his holy land, and he will choose Jerusalem again.

Let all flesh remain silent before the Lord. Because he rose up and came out of the sanctuary.


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