首页 Zechariah Zechariah_Chapter 11

Zechariah_Chapter 11

Open your doors, O Lebanon, and let the fire consume your cedar trees. O pine tree, let us…

Open your doors, O Lebanon, and let the fire consume your cedar trees.

O pine tree, let us mourn, for the cedar tree is fallen, and the beautiful tree is destroyed. O oak tree of Bashan, let us mourn, for the lush forest has fallen.

Listen, there is the sound of shepherds wailing, for their glorious pasture has been destroyed. There is the roar of young lions, because the jungle by the Jordan River is abandoned.

This is what the Lord my God says: Zechariah, you shall feed this flock that is about to be slaughtered.

Buy them and slaughter them, making oneself innocent. Those who sell them say, Blessed be the Lord, for I have become rich. Those who feed them do not pity them.

The Lord said, I will no longer have mercy on the inhabitants of this land. I will deliver this people into the hands of every neighbor and their king. They will destroy this land, and I will not deliver this people from their hands.

So, I raised the flock of sheep that was about to be slaughtered, which was the most difficult sheep in the flock. I am holding two sticks. I call one Rongmei and the other Liansuo. In this way, I raised a flock of sheep.

Within a month, I eliminated three shepherds. Because my heart hates them, and their hearts also hate me.

I said, I don’t care for you. Those who are going to die, let him die. Those who are going to perish shall perish. The rest will be eaten by each other.

I broke the rod called Glory, indicating that I have broken the covenant with all nations.

It was abandoned on the same day. So those poor sheep who look up to me will know that what they are saying is the word of the Lord.

I said to them, if you think it’s beautiful, give me the price; otherwise, it’s just fine. So they gave me thirty yuan as my wages.

The Lord commanded me, ‘Cast the good value that everyone has estimated to the potter.’. I threw these thirty dollars into the temple of the Lord and gave them to the potter.

I also broke the rod called the Union, indicating that I have abandoned the friendship between the brothers of Judah and Israel.

And the Lord commanded me, saying, Take again the utensils of fools.

Because I want to raise up a shepherd in this land. He does not care for the dead, does not seek the scattered, does not heal the injured, and does not feed the strong. But they will eat the flesh of fat sheep and tear their hooves apart.

Woe to the useless shepherd who abandons his flock. The sword will come on his arm and on his right eye. His arms will be completely withered, and his right eye will be dim and blind.


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