首页 The Book of Jonah The Book of Jonah_Chapter 4

The Book of Jonah_Chapter 4

Jonah was greatly displeased about this matter and was very angry. And he prayed to the Lo…

Jonah was greatly displeased about this matter and was very angry.

And he prayed to the Lord, saying, O Lord, did I not say so when I was in my own country? I know that you are a God of grace and mercy, not easily angered, with abundant love, and regretting not bringing the disaster you said, so I quickly fled to Tarshish.

O Lord, now take my life. Because it’s better for me to die than to live.

The Lord said, Is it reasonable for you to be angry like this?

So Jonah went out of the city and sat on the east side of the city, where he built a tent for himself. He sat under the shade of the tent to see what exactly happened to the city.

The Lord God arranged for a castor tree to grow higher than Jonah, with a shadow covering his head and saving him from his suffering. Jonah was overjoyed by this castor tree.

The next day at dawn, God arranged for a worm to bite the castor plant, causing it to wither.

When the sun rises, God arranges a hot east wind. The sun was shining on Jonah’s head, causing him to faint. So he prayed for his death, saying, It is better for me to die than to live.

God said to Jonah, Is it right for you to be angry over this castor tree? He said, ‘It makes sense for me to be angry and die.’.

The Lord said, ‘This castor was not planted or cultivated by you.’. Happened overnight, died overnight, yet you still cherish it.

Moreover, in this great city of Nineveh, there were over 120000 people who could not distinguish between their left and right hands, as well as many livestock. How can I not cherish it?




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