The Book of Colossians_Chapter 1
Paul, who was an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and his brother Timothy,
Write to the saints of Colossia, who have faithful brothers in Christ. May grace and peace be upon you from God our Father.
We thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for constantly praying for you.
Because I have heard your faith in Christ Jesus and your love for all the saints.
It is for the hope that exists in heaven for you. This hope is what you have heard before in the way of truth in the gospel.
This gospel has spread to you and to the whole world, and its results have increased, just as it was among you since the day you heard the gospel and truly knew the grace of God.
As you learned from our beloved and fellow servant Ebapher. He has been a faithful deacon of Christ for us (as the Romans say).
And he also told us the love you have for the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, since the day we heard it, we have been constantly praying and praying for you, wishing that you may know God’s will with all your spiritual wisdom and understanding.
So that you may walk in a way that is worthy of the Lord, and in all things please Him, and bear fruit in all good things, and gradually gain more knowledge of God.
According to his glorious power, he is able to strengthen himself in all kinds of strength, so that you may endure and tolerate with joy in all things.
Thank you also to the Father, that we may inherit together with all the saints in the light.
He saved us from the power of darkness and moved us to the kingdom of his beloved son.
We are redeemed in our beloved son, and our sins are forgiven.
The beloved Son is the image of the invisible God, the first born before all that is created.
For everything was created by him, whether it be in heaven or on earth, visible or invisible, or in power, ruler, ruler, or ruler, all were created by him and for him.
He is before all things, and all things stand by him.
He is also the leader of the entire church. He is the beginning, the first to be resurrected from death, allowing him to take the first place in all things.
Because the Father loves to make all things abundant and dwell in him.
Since peace was achieved through the blood he shed on the cross, he reconciled all things, whether on earth or in heaven, with himself.
You were once isolated from God, and because of your evil deeds, your hearts were against him.
But now he has died through the flesh of Christ, reconciling you with himself and making you holy, flawless, and blameless, bringing you before him.
As long as you remain steadfast and steadfast in your faith, your foundation will be steadfast, and you will not be tempted to lose the hope of leaving the gospel. This gospel is what you have heard, and it is also preached to all people in the world. I, Paul, who was created, also became a minister of this gospel.
Now that I have suffered for you, I feel joyful, and for the body of Christ, that is, for the church, I will fill in the affliction of Christ in my flesh.
I have become a deacon of the church according to the ministry that God has given me for you, to preach the full doctrine of God.
This truth is a mystery hidden throughout history, but now it has been revealed to his saints.
God is willing to let them know how great the glory of this mystery is among the Gentiles. It is Christ who has become a glorious hope in your hearts.
We spread him with all kinds of wisdom, admonishing and teaching everyone. To bring everyone in Christ completely before God.
I also work hard for this, according to the great power he uses in me, and do my best with all my heart.