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st Kings _Chapter 16

The word of the Lord came to Jehu son of Hanani, rebuking Bashar, saying, Since I have lif…

The word of the Lord came to Jehu son of Hanani, rebuking Bashar, saying,

Since I have lifted you up from the dust and made you ruler over my people Israel, yet you have walked in the ways of Jeroboam, causing my people Israel to sin and provoking me to anger,

I will completely destroy you and your house, making your house like the house of Jeroboam son of Nebat.

Any person belonging to Bashar who dies in the city will be eaten by the dogs, and those who die in the fields will be eaten by the birds of the air.

The rest of Bashar’s actions and his strength are written in the book of the kings of Israel.

Bashar slept with his ancestors and was buried in Tirzah. His son Elah succeeded him as king.

The word of the Lord came to Jehu the prophet, the son of Hanani, to rebuke Bashar and his family for doing all that was evil in the eyes of the Lord, and for provoking the Lord to anger with the works of his hands, just like the house of Jeroboam, and for killing all the house of Jeroboam.

In the twenty sixth year of King Asa of Judah, Elah son of Bashar began to reign over Israel in Tirzah for two years.

Xin Li, a vassal who managed half of his chariots, betrayed him. When he was drunk in the house of Azhu, the ruler of the house of Dexa,

Xinli went in and killed him, usurping his position. This happened in the twenty seventh year of King Asa of Judah.

As soon as Xinli ascended to the throne, he killed all of Basha’s family, not even his relatives or friends, leaving behind a single male.

Zili destroyed the entire house of Bashar, just as the Lord rebuked him through the prophet Jehu.

This is because of all the sins of Bashar and his son Elah, which they caused the Israelites to sin, and because they provoked the Lord God of Israel to anger with their worthless gods.

And all the other things that Elah did, and all that he did, are written in the book of the kings of Israel.

In the twenty seventh year of King Asa of Judah, Zilli reigned in Tirzah for seven days. At that time, the people were besieging Kebiton in the Philistines.

The people in the camp heard that Zinri had betrayed and killed the king, so all Israel made Omri, the commander of the army, king of Israel in the camp that day.

Omri led all Israel up from Gibedon and besieged Tirzah.

When Xinli saw that the city was broken and lost, he entered the palace guard and set fire to the palace, then self immolated and died.

This is because he sinned, did evil in the eyes of the Lord, did the deeds of Jeroboam, and committed the sin that he caused Israel to sin.

The other events of Xinli and his betrayal are written in the book of the kings of Israel.

At that time, the people of Israel were divided into two halves, with half following Tibni the son of Kinah to make him king. Half of the followers are dark.

But the people who followed Omri were better than the people who followed Tibni, the son of Kinah. Tibni died, and Omri became king.

In the thirty first year of King Asa of Judah, Omri began to reign over Israel for a total of twelve years. He reigned in Tirzah for six years.

He used two talents of silver to buy Samaria from Samaria and built a city on the mountain. He named the city Samaria after Samaria, the original owner of the mountain.

Omri did evil in the eyes of the Lord, even more so than the kings before him.

Because he did what Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, did and committed the sin that he caused Israel to sin, provoking the Lord God of Israel to anger with a vain God.

The other events of Omri and the strength he showed are written in the book of the kings of Israel.

Omri slept with his ancestors and was buried in Samaria. His son Ahab succeeded him as king.

In the thirty eighth year of King Asa of Judah, Ahab son of Omri became king of Israel. Ahab, the son of Omri, reigned over Israel in Samaria for twenty-two years.

Ahab, the son of Omri, did evil in the eyes of the Lord more than his previous kings,

Having committed the sins of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat. He thought it was light, so he married Jezebel, the daughter of Baal, the king of Sidon, and went to serve and worship Baal,

Build a temple for Baal in Samaria and build an altar for him in the temple.

Ahab also became an Asherah, and his actions provoked the anger of the Lord God of Israel even more than the kings of Israel before him.

During the reign of Ahab, Heil the Bethel man rebuilt the city of Jericho. When the foundation was established, Abiram, the eldest son, was lost. At the time of the gate, I lost my young son Segor, as the Lord had said through Joshua the son of Nun.


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