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Samuel’s note_Chapter 19

Someone told Joab, ‘The king wept and mourned for Absalom.’. The people heard …

Someone told Joab, ‘The king wept and mourned for Absalom.’.

The people heard that the king was grieving for his son, but their joy in victory turned into sorrow.

On that day, the people secretly entered the city, like a defeated and ashamed people fleeing.

Wang covered his face and cried loudly, saying, “My son Absalom.”. Absalom, my son, my son.

Joab went in to the king and said, “You have put all your servants to shame today.”. They saved your life and the lives of your children, wives, and concubines today,

But you love the person who hates you, hate the person who loves you. You are clearly not concerned about generals and servants today. I see today that if Absalom lives and we all die, then you will be pleased.

Now go out and comfort your servant’s heart. I swear by the Lord, unless you go out, no one will be with you tonight. This calamity is even more severe than what you have suffered since childhood until now.

So the king stood up and sat at the city gate. When all the people heard that the king was sitting at the city gate, they all came before the king. The Israelites have fled and returned to their homes.

The people of all the tribes of Israel spoke one after another, saying, The king once saved us from the hands of our enemies, and he also saved us from the hands of the Philistines. Now he has fled from Absalom.

We anointed Absalom to govern us, but he has died in battle. Why don’t you say a word to invite Wang back now?

King David sent messengers to the priests Zadok and Abiathar, saying, Speak to the elders of Judah, saying, The people of Israel have sent a message to the king to return to their palace. Why have you fallen behind them?

You are my brothers, my flesh and blood. Why did you invite the king back after others?

I also want to say to Amasa, aren’t you my flesh and blood? If I do not appoint you as the commander of the army for Joab, may God punish me severely.

In this way, we can regain the hearts of the masses, just like the hearts of one person. And they sent messengers to the king, saying, Bring back the king and all his servants.

The king returned and arrived at the Jordan River. The Jews came to Gilgal to meet the king and invite him to cross the Jordan River.

Shimei, the son of Kirah and a Benjamite from Bahurim, quickly went down with the Judah to meet King David.

There were a thousand Benjamin people following Shimei, as well as Ziba, the servant of the house of Saul, and his fifteen sons and twenty servants. They all crossed the Jordan River to welcome the king.

There is a ferry passing by, and the family members of the ferry king are allowed to use it. When the king was about to cross the Jordan River, Shimei son of Kirah fell down before the king,

And he said to the king, When my lord the king went out of Jerusalem, my servant did rebellious things. Now therefore, I pray my lord not to add sin to his servant, not to remember, nor to take it to heart.

My servant knew he was guilty, so today I am the first among Joseph’s entire family to come down to meet my lord the king.

Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, said, Shouldn’t Shimei be put to death for cursing the Lord’s anointed one?

David said, What have I to do with you, son of Zeruiah, that you may oppose me today? Can anyone be put to death in Israel today? Do I not know that I am king over Israel today?

So the king said to Shimei, “You will not die.”. The king swore to him.

Saul’s grandson Mephibosheth also went down to meet the king. From the day the king left until Wang Ping returned safely, he did not trim his feet, shave his beard, or wash his clothes.

When he came to Jerusalem to meet the king, the king asked him, “Mephibosheth, why didn’t you go with me?”?

He replied, “My lord the king, my servant is lame.”. That day I wanted to prepare a donkey to ride with the king, but my servant deceived me,

And slandered me before my lord the king. However, my lord the king is like an angel of God. Do as you please.

Because all the people of my ancestors were considered dead in front of my lord the king, but the king had his servants eat with him at his table. Can I still reason and seek justice from the king now?

The king said to him, Why do you need to mention your matter again? I said, you and Zeba share the land equally.

Miphibosheth said to the king, “Since my lord the king returns to the palace in peace, let Zebah take it.”.

Barzillai the Gilead came down from Roqirim to send the king across the Jordan River, and he crossed the Jordan River with the king.

Basile is old and already eighty years old. When the king lived in Mahanaim, he brought food to the king. He was originally a wealthy man.

The king said to Barzillai, “Come with me, and I will take care of your elders in Jerusalem.”.

And Barzillai said to the king, How many more days shall I live, that I may go up to Jerusalem with the king?

Can a servant, who is now eighty years old, still taste the taste of food and distinguish between good and evil? Can you still hear the voices of men and women singing? Why do servants burden my lord the king?

Why should the king grant me such grace when my servant sends the king across the Jordan River?

Please allow me to return, so that I may die in my own city and be buried next to my parents’ graves. Here is the king’s servant Jin Han, let him go with my lord the king and treat him as you please.

The king said, Jin Han may go with me, and I will do to him according to your wishes. Whatever you ask of me, I will do it for you.

So all the people crossed the Jordan River, and the king also crossed over. The king kissed Basilai and blessed him, and Basilai returned to his hometown.

Wang went over, and when he arrived in Jijia, Jin Han also followed him. Half of the people of Judah and Israel were also sent to the king.

All Israel came to the king and said to him, “Why do our brothers Judah secretly send the king and his family over the Jordan River?”.

The people of Judah answered the Israelites, “Why are you angry about this because the king is related to us?”? What did we eat from Wang? What did the king reward us with?

The Israelites answered the Jews, saying, According to our tribes, we have a great bond with the king. In David, we also have more affection than you. Why do you despise us and ask the king to come back without consulting with us first? But the words of Judah are harder than those of Israel.


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