首页 Samuel I Samuel I_Chapter 24

Samuel I_Chapter 24

When Saul returned from chasing after the Philistines, someone told him that David was in …

When Saul returned from chasing after the Philistines, someone told him that David was in the wilderness of Engedi.

Saul selected three thousand elite soldiers from the Israelites and led them to the rock of the Wild Sheep to search for David and his men.

When he arrived at the sheepfold by the roadside, there was a hole and Saul went in to relieve himself. David and his followers are hiding deep in the cave.

The people who followed said to David, “The Lord promised you, ‘I will deliver your enemies into your hands, and you can do whatever you want to do to them.'”. Now it’s time. David stood up and quietly cut off the hem of Saul’s robe.

Later, David blamed himself for cutting off Saul’s collar.

And he said to those who were with him, My Lord is the anointed one of the Lord; I dare not stretch out my hand against him before the Lord, for he is the anointed one of the Lord.

David stopped the people who followed him with these words and did not allow them to rise up and harm Saul. Saul got up and walked out of the cave.

Then David also got up and went out of the cave, calling out to Saul, saying, My lord, my king. When Saul turned around to look, David bent down and bowed with his face to the ground.

David said to Saul, “Why do you believe in people’s slander, saying that David wants to harm you?”?

Today you have seen with your own eyes in the cave, where the Lord has handed you over to me. Someone called me to kill you, but I spared you, saying, I dare not stretch out my hand against my Lord, because he is the anointed one of the Lord.

My father, look at the collar of your robe in my hand. I cut off your collar and didn’t kill you. You can know from this that I did not maliciously rebel against you. Although you have hunted my life, I have not offended you.

May the Lord judge right and wrong between you and me, and avenge me on you, but I will not harm you with my own hands.

There is an ancient saying that goes, evil comes from the wicked. But I won’t harm you with my own hands.

Who is the king of Israel looking for when he comes out? Who are we chasing after? But chasing a dead dog and a flea is enough.

May the Lord judge between you and me, determine right and wrong, and examine, avenge me, and deliver me from your hands.

After David finished speaking to Saul, he said, “My son David, is this your voice?”? Just burst into tears,

Say to David, You are more righteous than me. Because you treat me well, but I treat you evil.

You clearly treat me well today. Because the Lord gave me into your hands, but you did not kill me.

If a person encounters an enemy, will they let him go safely? May the Lord repay you well for what you have done to me today.

I also know that you will become king, and the kingdom of Israel will be established in your hands.

Now swear to me by the Lord, that I will not cut off my descendants, and that my name will not be destroyed in my father’s house.

So David swore to Saul and he went home. David and his men went up to the fortress.


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