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Romans_Chapter 11

And I say, has God abandoned his people? Absolutely not. Because I am also an Israelite, a…

And I say, has God abandoned his people? Absolutely not. Because I am also an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

God did not abandon the people he had known beforehand. Do you not know what the scripture says about Elijah? How did he accuse the Israelites before God, saying,

Lord, they have killed your prophets, dismantled your altars, and left me alone. They will also seek my life.

How does God’s reply come from? He said, I have left seven thousand people for myself, who have never bowed to Baal.

Now it is the same, according to the grace of selection, there is still a surplus left.

Since it is out of grace, one does not care about behavior. Otherwise, grace is not grace anymore.

How is this? They did not receive what the Israelites were asking for. Only those who have been selected will receive it, and the rest will become stubbornly stubborn.

As it is written in the scripture, God gave them a unconscious heart, whose eyes could not see and whose ears could not hear, to this day.

David also said, May their feast become a trap, a trap, a stumbling block, and a retribution for them.

May their eyes be blinded and unable to see. May you often bend down their waist.

Let me say, is it because they stumbled that they fell? Definitely not. On the contrary, due to their mistakes, salvation came to the Gentiles, stirring them up to anger.

If their fault is for the prosperity of the world, their lack is for the prosperity of the Gentiles. Not to mention their fullness?

I speak these words to you Gentiles. Because I am an apostle of the Gentiles, I respect my duties. (Respecting the original work of Honor)

Or you can stir up my flesh and blood to anger and save some of them.

If they are discarded, the world will be reconciled with God. If they are accepted, will they not be resurrected from death?

If the new flour offered is holy, the whole group will also be holy. If the roots of a tree are holy, then the branches are also holy.

If a few branches are broken off, you wild olive must be caught in it, and together you will receive the fat juice of the olive roots.

You must not boast about the old branches. If you boast, you should know that it is not you who support the roots, but the roots that support you.

If you say that the branch has been broken off, you specifically asked me to connect it.

not bad They were folded down because they didn’t believe it. You stand firm because of your faith. You must not be arrogant, but rather be afraid.

God will not spare the original branches, nor will he spare you.

May we see the grace and harshness of God. To the person who falls is harsh. He is kind to you, as long as you stay in his kindness for a long time. Otherwise, you will also be cut off.

And if they don’t believe it for a long time, they will still be accepted. Because God can bring them back together again.

You were cut off from the wild olive that was born, and yet against your nature, you have grafted it onto the good olive. How much less will the branches of this tree be grafted onto this tree.

Brothers, I do not want you not to know this mystery (for fear you may think you are wise), even though some of the Israelites are hard hearted, until the number of the Gentiles is increased.

So all the house of Israel shall be saved, as it is written, a savior shall come out of Zion to eliminate all the sins of the house of Jacob.

And he said, When I take away their sins, this is the covenant I have made with them.

According to the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. And he chose and said, They are loved for the sake of their ancestors.

Because of God’s gift and call, there is no regret.

You used to disobey God, but now you have received mercy because of their disobedience.

In this way, they are also disobedient, so that they may now receive mercy because of the mercy they have given you.

Because God has trapped everyone in disobedience and deliberately wanted to have mercy on them.

Deep, the rich wisdom and knowledge of God. His judgment is so unpredictable, his tracks are so hard to find,

Who knows the heart of the Lord? Who has been his advisor?

Who gave it to him first so that he could repay later?

For all things are from him, trust in him, and belong to him. May glory be upon him forever. Amen.


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