
psalm_Chapter 107

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love will forever endure.

May the redeemed people of the Lord speak these words, which he redeemed from the hands of his enemies,

Gathered from various places, from east to west, from south to north.

They are drifting in the wilderness, unable to find any habitable cities.

Hungry and thirsty, my heart feels dizzy.

So they cried out to the Lord in their suffering, and he delivered them from their calamity.

And he led them on a straight path, leading them towards habitable cities.

May people praise the Lord for his mercy and for the wonders he has done to men.

Because he satisfies those who crave in their hearts, and satisfies those who are hungry in their hearts with beautiful things.

Those who sit in the shadow of death in the darkness, bound by hardship and iron chains,

It is because they have defied the word of God and despised the will of the Most High.

So, he subdued their hearts with hard work. They fell down without any help.

So they cried out to the Lord in their suffering, and he saved them from their calamity.

He led them out of darkness and the shadow of death, breaking their bonds.

May people praise the Lord for his mercy and for the wonders he has done to men.

Because he broke the copper door and cut off the iron bolt.

Fools suffer because of their own wrongdoing and sins.

They detest all kinds of food in their hearts and approach the gates of death.

So they cried out to the Lord in their suffering, and he saved them from their calamity.

He sent orders to heal them and save them from death.

May people praise the Lord for his mercy and for the wonders he has done to men.

May they offer him a sacrifice of gratitude, and sing with joy to recount his works.

Riding a ship at sea and managing affairs in the midst of strong waters.

They saw the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep waters.

As soon as he commanded, a strong wind arose, and the waves of the sea rose up.

They go up to the sky and down to the bottom of the sea, and their hearts digest due to adversity.

They are swaying and deceiving. Stumbling around like a drunken person. Their wisdom is beyond measure.

So they cried out to the Lord in their suffering, and he brought them out of their calamity.

He calmed the strong wind and the waves became calm.

When the wind subsides and the waves remain calm, they rejoice. He led them to the desired destination of Haikou.

May people praise the Lord for his mercy and for the wonders he has done to men.

May they revere him in the assembly of the people, and praise him on the throne of the elders.

He turned rivers into wilderness and springs into a thirsty land.

Transforming fertile land into alkaline land. This is all due to the sins of the residents in between.

He turned the wilderness into a pool of water, and the dry land into a spring of water.

He made hungry people live there, so that they could build habitable cities.

Plant fields and vineyards to enjoy the harvest.

He also blessed them, causing them to have many offspring. They don’t want their livestock to decrease either.

They are reduced and humbled because of tyranny, trouble, and sorrow.

He brings shame and shame to the kings, causing them to drift in a desolate and pathless land.

But he placed the poor on high places, free from suffering, and made his family like a flock of sheep.

The upright see and rejoice. The wicked will shut their mouths without words.

All those who are wise will pay attention to these things, and will consider the merciful love of the Lord.

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