
psalm_Chapter 83

O God, do not remain silent. God, please do not shut up or remain silent.

Because your enemies are clamoring. Those who hate you look up.

They conspire with deceit to harm your people, they consult with each other to harm those you hide.

They said, Come, we will cut them off and make them no longer a nation. So that the name of Israel may no longer be remembered.

They conspired with one heart and formed an alliance to resist you.

They are the Edomites and Ishmaelites who live in tents. Moab and the people of Hagar.

The inhabitants of Gebal, Ammon, Amalek, the Philistines, and Tyre.

Assyria also joined forces with them. They served as helpers for the descendants of Lot. (Fine pull)

Treat them as you treated Midian, as you treated Sisera and Jebin in the Kishon River.

They perished in Endor and became dung on the earth.

Please make their leaders like Oreb and Zeeb, and their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna.

They said, We will obtain the dwelling of God as our own inheritance.

O my God, make them like the dust of a whirlwind, like the stubble before the wind.

How fire burns the forest, how flames burn the mountains.

In the same way, pursue them with a violent wind and terrify them with a rainstorm.

May you make their faces full of shame, so that they may seek the name of the Lord.

May they always be ashamed and frightened. May they be ashamed and perish.

Let them know that you, whose name is the Lord alone, are the Most High above all the earth.

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