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Proverbs_Chapter 26

It’s not suitable to have snow in summer or rain during harvest. The same goes for t…

It’s not suitable to have snow in summer or rain during harvest. The same goes for the honor of fools.

Sparrows come and go, swallows fly, so curses without reason will not come.

Whips are used to beat horses. A bridle is used to restrain a donkey. A cane is used to strike the back of a foolish person.

Do not answer a foolish man according to his foolish words, or you may be like him.

Answer the foolish man according to his foolish words, so that he may not consider himself wise.

Those who send letters by the hands of fools cut off their own feet and suffer harm. (Drinking from the original text)

The feet of a cripple are empty and useless. Proverbs are also in the mouth of fools.

He who gives honor to fools is like a man wrapping a stone in a string.

Proverbs in the mouth of fools are like thorns piercing into the hands of drunkards.

Those who hire fools and those who hire passersby are like archers who shoot at everyone.

A foolish person does foolish things, doing them again and again, just like a dog turning around to eat what it vomits.

Do you see people who think they are wise? Fools have more hope than him.

Lazy people say, there are fierce lions on the road and strong lions on the street.

The door rotates at the hub, and so does the lazy person in bed.

Lazy people let go of their plate, even if they withdraw to their mouths, they feel tired.

Lazy people are wiser in their own eyes than seven people who are good at coping.

Passing by and being excited by things, managing the competition without interfering with oneself is like a person grabbing a dog’s ear.

People bully their neighbors and say, “Am I not playing around?”? He is like a crazy person, throwing torches, sharp arrows, and deadly weapons. (The original weapon for killing is death)

If a fire lacks firewood, it will surely go out. No one spreads the word, but competition comes to an end.

A contentious person stirs up disputes, just like adding charcoal to a fire or firewood to a fire.

The words of a talker are like delicious food, penetrating deep into one’s heart.

A fiery mouth and a wicked heart are like a clay vessel wrapped in silver slag.

Those who harbor resentment use their mouths to disguise themselves, but their hearts conceal deceit.

He speaks sweet words, but you cannot trust him because there are seven detestable things in his heart.

Although he conceals his resentment with deceit, his evil will be revealed in the assembly.

Whoever digs a pit will fall into it. Whoever rolls a stone, the stone will roll back on him.

A false tongue hates the people he presses. A flattering mouth is a matter of defeating others.


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