首页 Na Hongshu Na Hongshu_Chapter 2

Na Hongshu_Chapter 2

Nineveh, those who break down the nations come up to attack you. You must guard the fortre…

Nineveh, those who break down the nations come up to attack you. You must guard the fortress, guard the way, strengthen your waist, and greatly strengthen yourself.

The Lord restored the glory of Jacob, just like the glory of Israel. For those who have made the earth empty have made Jacob and Israel empty, destroying their grape branches.

The shield of his warriors is red, and all the elite soldiers wear vermilion clothes. On the day when he was preparing for battle, the steel on the chariot flickered like fire, and the gun on the cypress handle was also swung.

Vehicles are speeding on the streets (or outside the city), running back and forth in broad areas, shaped like torches and running like lightning.

King Nineveh summoned his nobles. They stumbled while walking. Hurry up to the city wall and prepare a shield.

The river gates are open, and the palace is washed away.

The queen was ashamed and taken captive. The palace maids beat their chests and mourned like doves. This is a predetermined matter.

Nineveh has been full of people since ancient times. Like a pool of water, now residents are all fleeing. Although some people shout, stop, stop, no one looks back.

You should plunder gold and silver. Because of the infinite accumulation, there are countless beautiful treasures.

Nineveh is now empty and desolate, with digestion in his heart, knees touching each other, waist pain, and a discolored face.

Where is the lion’s hole and the place where young lions are fed? Where is the place where there is no one to scare the male lion, female lion, and young lion parade?

The male lion tears up a lot of food for the young lion, strangles the living creatures for the female lion, and fills its cave with the torn and strangled.

The Lord of hosts has said, I am against you, and I will burn your chariots into smoke, and the sword will devour your young lions. I will destroy what you have torn from the ground, and the voice of your messengers will no longer be heard.


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