圣经 Lament of Jeremiah Lament of Jeremiah_Chapter 1

Lament of Jeremiah_Chapter 1

How could a city once filled with people sit alone now. What was once great among the nations is now like a widow. Those who were previously queens in various provinces are now paying tribute.

She cried bitterly at night, tears streaming down her cheeks. There is no comfort among all the beloved ones. Her friends treated her with deceit and became her enemies.

Judah, due to suffering and excessive labor, migrated to foreign lands. She lives among the nations and cannot find rest. All the pursuers chased after her in a narrow area.

The path of Zion mourns because there is no one to observe the holy festival. Her city gates are desolate. Her priest sighed. Her virgin suffered hardships, and she herself was also distressed.

Her enemies are at the forefront. Her enemy Hengtong. Because the Lord has caused her many sins to suffer. Her child was abducted by the enemy.

All the glory of the city of Zion has been lost. Her leader is like a deer that cannot find a pasture. Unable to walk in front of the pursuers.

In times of hardship and distress, Jerusalem recalls all the pleasures of ancient times. Her people fell into the hands of the enemy, with no one to provide relief. The enemy saw her and laughed at her desolation.

Jerusalem has committed great sins, making it an unclean thing. I have always respected her, but when I see her naked, I despise her. She herself sighed and retreated.

Her filth lies on her collar. She didn’t think about her own ending, so she was very defeated and no one comforted her. She said, O Lord, look at my suffering, for the enemy has magnified himself.

The enemy reached out to seize her beauty. She saw the Gentiles enter her sanctuary, and you commanded them not to enter your assembly.

Her people all sigh and seek food. They exchanged beautiful things for food to save lives. They said, O Lord, behold, for I am very lowly.

Do you mind this, all you passersby? Look, is there any pain like this that has come upon me, which the Lord has caused me on the day of his fierce anger.

He entered my bones from high angel fire and restrained me. He laid a net, tripped my feet, and turned me back. He makes me feel desolate and dizzy all day long.

The yoke of my sin is bound by his hand, like a yoke tied to my neck. He made my strength decline. The Lord has handed me over to someone I cannot resist.

The Lord has despised all the brave warriors among me, and has gathered many to attack me, to crush my young men. The Lord will kick down the inhabitants of Judah, as in a winepress.

I cry over these things. I am in tears. Because those who should comfort me and save my life are far from me. My children are lonely because their enemies have won.

Zion raised his hand, and there was no one to comfort him. The Lord has issued a decree regarding Jacob, making those around him his enemies. Jerusalem is like an unclean thing among them.

The Lord is righteous. He treated me this way because I violated his orders. O people, listen to my words and see my pain. My virgins and young men were both abducted.

I called out to my dear ones, but they fooled me. When my priests and elders were seeking food to save their lives, they died in the city.

O Lord, behold, for I am in distress. My heart is disturbed. My heart is flipping inside me, because I am greatly rebellious. Outside, swords make people lose their children. At home, it’s like death.

Someone heard me sigh. There is no one to comfort me. My enemies have heard of my troubles. They all rejoice because you have done this. You will bring the day of your report, and they will be like me.

May their evil deeds be presented before you. How did you treat me for all my sins? Do the same to them. Because I sigh a lot, my heart feels dizzy.

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