
job _Chapter 17

My soul is consumed, my days are gone. The grave is ready for me.

There are those who really make fun of me here, and my eyes often see them provoke me.

May the Lord provide me with evidence and take refuge for me. Who would give me a high five outside of you?

Because you have made their hearts unreasonable, you will not elevate them.

Accusing his friends and considering them as plunderable, even his children’s eyes will become blind.

God made me a laughingstock among the people. They also spat on my face.

My eyes dim with sorrow. My body feels like a shadow.

An upright person will be amazed by this. Innocent people should rise up and attack the ungodly.

However, the righteous must hold onto the path they walk. People with clean hands need to exert more force.

As for all of you, come and debate again. I can’t find a wise man among you.

My days have already passed. My plan, what my heart desires, has been cut off.

They turn night into day, saying that bright light is almost darkness.

If I hope for the underworld to be my house, and if I stay in darkness,

If I say to corruption, you are my father. You are my mother and sisters.

So, where is my hope? Who can see what I hope for?

When they rest in the dust, this hope will come down to the bars of the underworld.

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