首页 Chronicles of the Past Dynasties Chronicles of the Past Dynasties_Chapter 30

Chronicles of the Past Dynasties_Chapter 30

Hezekiah sent messengers to all Israel and Judah, and wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasse…

Hezekiah sent messengers to all Israel and Judah, and wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasseh, calling them to come to the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem and observe the Passover to the Lord, the God of Israel.

Because the king and all the leaders, as well as all the congregation in Jerusalem, have agreed to observe the Passover in the second month.

They cannot keep it during the first lunar month. Because the consecrated priests were not yet sufficient, and the people did not gather in Jerusalem.

The king and all the congregation regarded this matter as good.

So he issued a command to spread throughout Israel, from Beersheba to Dan, to bring them all to Jerusalem to observe the Passover to the Lord, the God of Israel. Because there are not many people who observe this festival according to the written regulations (or because the people have not observed the festival according to the written regulations for a long time).

The courier then spread the letter of the king and all the leaders throughout Israel and Judah, as the king commanded. In the letter he said, O Israel, turn to the Lord Abraham, Isaac, and the God of Israel, so that he may turn to you, the remnant of the people who have escaped from the hand of the king of Assyria.

Do not imitate your ancestors and your brothers. They have offended the Lord, the God of their ancestors, so that the Lord has abandoned them and caused them to be destroyed, as you have seen.

Do not harden your necks like your ancestors, but submit to the Lord and enter his holy place, which is forever holy. Serve the Lord your God again, so that his fierce anger may turn away from you.

If you turn to the Lord, your brothers and children will find mercy in front of those who have taken them captive and will be able to return to this land, because the Lord your God has grace and mercy. If you turn to him, he will not turn his face away from you.

The post runners ran from city to city and spread throughout Ephraim, Manasseh, and even Zebulun. But the people there mocked and mocked them.

However, some people in Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun also felt inferior and came to Jerusalem.

God also moved the people of Judah to wholeheartedly follow the commands of the king and his leaders, which were given by the word of the Lord.

In the second month, many people gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

They got up and removed all the altars and incense burners in Jerusalem, throwing them into the Kidron River.

On the fourteenth day of the second month, the Passover lambs were slaughtered. The priests and Levites felt ashamed, so they purified themselves and brought burnt offerings into the house of the Lord,

According to the law of Moses the man of God, stand in your own place as usual. The priest took the blood from the Levites and sprinkled it on the altar.

Many people in the meeting have not yet purified themselves, so the Levites slaughter the Passover lambs for all those who are unclean, making them holy before the Lord.

There were many people in Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun who had not yet purified themselves, but they also ate Passover lambs, which did not comply with the recorded regulations. Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, Whoever seeks God with all his heart, the Lord God of his ancestors, may not purify himself according to the purification of the sanctuary, but the Lord, who is most good, may forgive him.

The Lord heard Hezekiah’s prayer and healed the people.

The Israelites in Jerusalem rejoiced greatly and celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days. The Levites and priests praised the Lord with loud instruments day by day.

Hezekiah comforted all the Levites who were skilled in serving the Lord. So they ate the feast for seven days, offered peace offerings, and confessed to the Lord, the God of their ancestors.

The whole assembly decided to observe the festival for another seven days. So they celebrated the festival with joy for seven more days.

King Hezekiah of Judah gave the assembly a thousand bulls and seven thousand sheep as sacrifices. The leaders also gave the assembly a thousand bulls and ten thousand sheep, and many priests purified themselves.

All the congregation of Judah, the priests, the Levites, and the congregation and sojourners who came from the land of Israel, as well as the sojourners in Judah, rejoiced.

In this way, there was great joy in Jerusalem, and there was no such joy in Jerusalem since the time of Solomon son of David, king of Israel.

At that time, the priests and Levites rose up and blessed the people. Their voices are heard by God, and their prayers reach the sanctuary in heaven.


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