
job 第2页

job _Chapter 32


So these three people stopped answering Job because he thought he was righteous. At that time, Elihu, the son of Baragah...

job _Chapter 30


But now, people younger than me are mocking me. I once despised his father and refused to settle among the dogs guarding...

job _Chapter 31


I make a promise with my eyes, how can I love to see a virgin? What is the division obtained from God above, and the inh...

job _Chapter 29


Job continued, May my condition be like the months before, like the days when God kept me. At that time, his lamp shone ...

job _Chapter 28


Silver has minerals, and there is a way to refine gold. Iron is dug out of the ground, and copper melts from the stone. ...

job _Chapter 27


Job continued, God takes away my reason, the Almighty makes my heart sorrowful. I swear by the living God. My life is st...

job _Chapter 26


Job replied, “, What kind of help do you have for an incompetent person. How can you save a person with weak arms....

job _Chapter 24


Why doesn’t the Almighty, who punishes evil regularly, make those who know him see that day? Someone has moved the...

job _Chapter 25


Bildad the Shua replied, God has the power of governance and the authority to be feared. He carried out peace at a high ...

job _Chapter 23


Job replied, “, Now my grief is still considered rebellious. My punishment is heavier than my sigh. May I know whe...