首页 Book of Jacob Book of Jacob_Chapter 5

Book of Jacob_Chapter 5

Hey, you wealthy people, let us cry and mourn, for suffering will come upon you. Your prop…

Hey, you wealthy people, let us cry and mourn, for suffering will come upon you.

Your property has been damaged and your clothes have been bitten by insects.

Your gold and silver have rusted. That rust will prove your wrongdoing, and I will eat your flesh like fire. You only know how to accumulate money in this post apocalypse.

Workers harvest crops for you, and you owe them wages. There is a voice calling for this wages. And the grievances of the reapers have entered the ears of the Lord of armies.

You enjoy good fortune in the world, enjoy feasting, but on the day of slaughter, you pamper your hearts.

You have condemned the righteous and killed them, but they will not resist you.

Brothers, endure until the Lord comes. Look, the farmer patiently waits for the precious harvest in the field until he receives autumn rain and spring rain.

Be patient and strengthen your hearts. Because the day of the Lord’s coming is approaching.

Brothers, do not blame each other, or you will be judged. Look, the judge is standing in front of the door.

Brothers, consider the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord as examples of suffering and patience.

We call those who previously endured blessed. You have heard of Job’s patience and know the end that the Lord has given him. It is evident that the Lord is full of mercy and great compassion.

My brothers, the most important thing is not to swear. Do not swear by heaven or by earth, and do not make any oath. When you speak, say yes and no, so as not to fall under judgment.

Do any of you suffer? Let him pray. Where there is joy, he should sing it.

If any of you are sick, he should invite the elders of the church. They can anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord and pray for him.

Out of a prayer of faith, to save the sick man, the Lord will raise him up. If he commits a crime, he will also be forgiven.

So you must confess your sins to each other, plead with each other, so that you may receive healing. The power of a righteous person’s prayer is highly effective.

Elijah is a person of the same temperament as us. He earnestly prayed not to rain, and it did not rain on the ground for three years and six months.

He prayed again, and it rained from heaven, and the earth gave birth to its harvest.

My brothers, if there is anyone among you who has lost the faith, someone will turn him back.

This person should know that calling a sinner to turn back from being lost is saving a soul from death and covering up many sins.




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