首页 Book of Jacob Book of Jacob_Chapter 1

Book of Jacob_Chapter 1

James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, greetings to the twelve scattered tribe…

James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, greetings to the twelve scattered tribes.

My brothers, feel great joy when you fall into all kinds of trials.

Because I know that your faith is tested and developed into patience.

But patience should also be successful, so that you may be perfect and without any deficiency.

If any of you lack wisdom, seek the God who generously gives to all and does not rebuke anyone, and the Lord will give it to you.

As long as you seek with confidence, there is no doubt at all. Because those who doubt are like waves in the sea, swayed and tossed by the wind.

Don’t expect anything from the Lord for such a person.

A person with a divided heart has no fixed opinion on all his paths.

Let humble brothers rejoice when they are elevated.

The wealthy should also be humble. Because he will pass by like a flower on the grass.

When the sun comes out and the hot wind blows, the grass withers, the flowers wither, and the beauty disappears. That wealthy person will also wither in his ways.

Blessed are those who endure temptation. Because after trial, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him.

When a person is tempted, it cannot be said that I am tempted by God. Because God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt people.

But everyone is tempted by their own selfish desires.

Having conceived a child, one’s own desires give birth to sin. Once sin grows, it gives birth and death.

My dear brothers, don’t make a mistake.

All kinds of good gifts and all kinds of complete rewards come from above. Descending from the Father of Light. There is no change in him, nor a rotating shadow.

He gave birth to us through the true word according to his own will, making us like the first ripe fruit in all the things he has created.

My dear brothers, this is what you know. But each of you should listen quickly, speak slowly, and get angry slowly.

Because human anger does not fulfill God’s righteousness.

Therefore, put away all filth and surplus evil, and accept with a gentle heart the planted way, which is the way that can save your souls.

You just need to walk the way, don’t just listen to the way and deceive yourself.

Those who listen but cannot speak are like people looking at their true selves in a mirror.

Upon seeing and leaving, I immediately forgot about his appearance.

Only those who carefully examine the law that is perfect for liberating people, and always do so, are not forgetful after hearing it, but are truly doing it, and will surely be blessed in their actions.

If someone thinks they are devout, but does not restrain their tongue and instead deceives their own heart, their piety is meaningless.

In the presence of God our Father, the pure and unblemished piety is to take care of orphans and widows in times of trouble, and to keep oneself free from worldly affairs.




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