首页 Book of Jacob Book of Jacob_Chapter 4

Book of Jacob_Chapter 4

Where did the fighting and fighting between you come from? Isn’t it from the selfish…

Where did the fighting and fighting between you come from? Isn’t it from the selfish desire of fighting among your hundred bodies?

You are greedy, but you still can’t get it. You kill and envy, fight and fight, but you cannot obtain it. You can’t get it because you don’t ask for it.

You cannot get what you ask for, because you are asking in vain and will waste it in your pleasures.

Do you, you promiscuous women, not know that you are friends with the world and enemies with God? So anyone who wants to be friends with the world is enemies with God.

Do you think what the scripture says is in vain? Is the spirit that God has given to dwell in us loving and jealous?

But he bestowed more grace. Therefore it is said in the scripture that God opposes the proud and bestows grace on the humble.

Therefore, submit to God and resist the devil, and the devil will flee from you.

If you approach God, God will approach you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners. Cleanse your hearts, you who have two minds.

Be sorrowful, mournful, and weeping. Turn laughter into sorrow, and joy into melancholy.

Be humble before the Lord, and the Lord will elevate you.

Brothers, do not criticize each other. If a man criticizes his brothers and judges them, he criticizes the law and judges the law. If you judge the law, you are not following the law, but judging people.

There is only one who sets the law and judges people, who can save and destroy them. Who are you, daring to judge others?

Hey, you have something to say. Today and tomorrow we will go to a certain city and stay there for a year, doing business and gaining profits.

Actually, you don’t know what tomorrow will be like yet. What is your life? You turned out to be a cloud and disappeared shortly after.

You should only say, ‘If the Lord wishes, we can live and do this or that.’.

Now you are boasting with arrogance. Any such boasting is evil.

If a person knows to do good but does not do it, it is his sin.




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