
2 Thessalonians_Chapter 3

Brothers, I have something else to say: pray for us, that the word of the Lord may spread quickly and be glorified, just as it is among you.

It also frees us from the hands of unreasonable villains. Because not everyone has confidence.

But the Lord is faithful, he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. (Or as freeing oneself from evil)

We firmly believe in the Lord that you are now doing what we have commanded, and you will also do it in the future.

May the Lord guide your hearts to love God and learn the patience of Christ.

Brothers, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you to stay away from any brother who does not follow the rules and does not keep the teachings we have received.

You yourselves knew how to emulate us. Because we have always followed the rules among you.

I have never tasted the food of eating for free. But it’s hard work, working day and night, so as not to burden you all.

This is not because we have no authority, but because we want to set an example for you to follow us.

When we were with you, we commanded you that if anyone refuses to work, they shall not eat.

Because we have heard that there are people among you who do not follow the rules, do no work, and instead meddle in their own affairs.

We command and admonish such people through the Lord Jesus Christ to work quietly and eat their own food.

Brothers, do not lose heart in doing good.

If anyone does not listen to the words of our letter, remember them and do not associate with them, so that they may feel ashamed.

But do not make him an enemy, but advise him to be like a brother.

May the Lord, who bestows peace, personally give you peace at all times and in all matters. May the Lord always be with you all.

I, Paul, personally greet you. All my letters are recorded here. My handwriting is like this.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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