
2 Thessalonians_Chapter 2

Brothers, regarding the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering with him,

I advise you not to be easily moved or alarmed, whether you have a spirit or words, or a letter that impersonates my name, saying that the day of the Lord is now come.

No matter what method a person uses, do not be tempted by him, for before that day there will be a deviation from the way and a rebellion, and the great sinner, the son of downfall, will be revealed.

He resists the Lord, elevates himself above all who are called God and all who are worshipped. Even sitting in the temple of God, claiming to be God.

When I was still with you, I told you these things, don’t you remember?

Now you also know what is blocking him, it is only when he arrives that he can be revealed.

Because the illegal intent has already been activated. But now there is one obstacle, wait until that obstacle is removed.

At that time, this lawless person will be revealed. The Lord Jesus will consume him with the breath of his mouth, and destroy him with the glory of his coming.

This lawless person has come to do all kinds of miracles and miracles, and all false wonders, according to the movement of Satan,

And he will do all kinds of deceit out of unrighteousness on those who have fallen. Because they did not receive the love and truth, they were saved.

Therefore, God gave them a heart of error, making them believe in lies.

Make all those who do not believe in the truth but love unrighteousness condemned.

O beloved brothers of the Lord, we should always thank God for you. Because he chose you from the beginning, so that through faith in the truth and being moved by the Holy Spirit, you may become holy and be saved.

God has called you to this extent through the gospel we preach, so that you may receive the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to all the teachings we receive, whether they be our word of mouth or written in faith.

May our Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father, who loves us, grant us eternal comfort and beautiful hope in grace,

Comfort your hearts and strengthen you in all good deeds and words.

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