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2 Peter II_Chapter 2

Once there were false prophets among the people, and in the future there will also be fals…

Once there were false prophets among the people, and in the future there will also be false teachers among you who will bring in heretics that harm others without authorization. They will not even acknowledge the one who bought them, but will quickly perish.

Many will follow their lewd behavior, which is called the true way, and will be slandered for their sake.

They will profit from you with fabricated words because of their greed. Their punishment has not been delayed since ancient times, and their destruction will come quickly.

Even if angels have sinned, God has not forgiven them. He once threw them into hell and handed them over to the pit of darkness, waiting for judgment.

God did not tolerate the ancient generation, who brought a flood upon the ungodly generation, but protected Noah’s family of eight who preached righteousness.

And it was determined that Sodom and Gomorrah would overturn the two cities and burn them to ashes, as a warning to the ungodly in future generations.

He only rescued Lot, the righteous man who was always grieving for the wicked’s debauchery.

Because the righteous man resided among them, and when he saw and heard of their wrongdoing, his righteous heart was constantly wounded.

The Lord knows how to rescue the devout from temptation and leave the unrighteous under punishment, waiting for the day of judgment.

Those who follow the flesh, indulge in impure desires, and underestimate those who govern are even more so. They are bold and capricious, and those who slander in authority are not afraid.

They are angels, even though they have greater power and authority, there is no need to accuse them of slander before the Lord.

But these people seem to lack spirituality and are born as animals, ready for capture and slaughter. They slander things they do not know, and when they are corrupting others, they themselves will suffer corruption.

If you do injustice, you will receive unjust wages. These people love to feast during the day, they have been defiled and have flaws, and they are sitting at the table with you, rejoicing in their deceit.

Their eyes were full of lewd women, unable to stop committing crimes. Inducing those who have an unstable heart and are accustomed to greed is the kind that is cursed.

They abandoned the right path and went astray, following the path of Balaam son of Beor, who was the prophet who loved the wages of unrighteousness.

But he was blamed for his mistake. The donkey, who cannot speak, hinders the prophet’s arrogance with human words.

These people are waterless wells, mist driven by strong winds, with a dark darkness left for them.

They speak exaggerated and exaggerated words, using their physical desires and lewd practices to lure those who have just escaped from their wrongdoing.

They promised people freedom, but themselves became corrupt servants. Because whoever subdues a person is their servant.

If they are able to escape from the filth of the world by knowing the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and later become entangled and subdued in it, their last condition will be even worse than before.

It is better for them not to know the way of righteousness, but to betray the holy mandate that was given to them.

As the saying goes, what a dog vomits, it turns around and eats again. The pig was washed clean and rolled back into the mud. This statement fits perfectly with them.




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