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2 Peter II_Chapter 1

Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, wrote to those who share the same prec…

Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, wrote to those who share the same precious faith with us in the righteousness of our God and the Savior Jesus Christ.

May grace and peace be upon you, because you have knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus, and have greatly bestowed upon you.

The divine power of God has bestowed upon us all things concerning life and piety, because we know Him who calls us with His own glory and virtue.

Therefore he has given us a precious and great promise, that we may have a portion in the nature of God, as we are free from the corruption of lust in the world.

For this reason, you need to be diligent in different places. With confidence, one must also add virtue. Having virtue requires adding knowledge.

With knowledge, one must also add restraint. With restraint, patience must be added. With patience, we need to add piety.

With piety, we must also add a love for our brothers. With a love for brothers, add a love for everyone

If you have these things in abundance, then you will not be idle or unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If a person does not have these things, they are blind and only see near, forgetting that their old sins have been cleansed.

Therefore, brothers, be even more diligent, so that your calling and selection will remain steadfast. If you do these things, you will never give up.

So that you may enter the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in abundance and wealth.

Although you know these things and are steadfast in your existing faith, I will always remind you of these things.

I thought I should remind you and inspire you while I’m still in this tent.

Because I know that the time is coming for me to leave this tent, as our Lord Jesus Christ has instructed me.

And I will do my best with all my heart, so that you will always remember these things after my death.

We once told you about the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and his coming, not following obedient and fabricated falsehoods, but seeing his glory with our own eyes.

When he received honor and glory from God the Father, a voice came out of great glory to him, saying, This is my beloved son, whom I am pleased with.

When we were with him on the holy mountain, we personally heard this voice coming out of heaven.

We have prophets who prophesy more accurately, like a lamp shining in the darkness. Pay attention to this prophecy until the sky brightens and the morning star appears in your hearts, it will be good.

The first thing is to know that all the prophecies in the scripture have nothing to interpret privately.

For prophecy has never come from the will of man, but from the word of God spoken by the Holy Spirit.




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