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1 john _Chapter 4

Dear brothers, believe not all spirits. Always test whether those spirits are from God or …

Dear brothers, believe not all spirits. Always test whether those spirits are from God or not. Because many false prophets have already come out in the world.

All spirits acknowledge that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, and it is from God. From now on, you can recognize the spirit of God.

Any spirit that does not recognize Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of the Antichrist. You once heard him coming. Now it is already in the world.

Little children, you are of God and have overcome them. Because what is within you is bigger than what is in the world.

They belong to the world. So when it comes to world affairs, people also obey them.

We belong to God. Those who know God listen to us. Those who are not of God will not listen to us. From now on, we can recognize the spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

Dear brothers, let us love each other. Because love comes from God. All who have love are born of God and know God.

Without love, one does not know God. Because God is love.

God sent his only son to the world, so that we may be born through him. His love for us is manifested here.

It is not that we love God, but that God loves us and sent his son as a sacrifice for our sins. This is love.

Dear brothers, since God loves us in this way, let us also love each other.

No one has ever seen God. If we love each other, God will dwell within us, and his love for Him will be perfected within us.

God gave us his spirit, and from then on he knew that we lived in him, and he also lived in us.

We have seen and witnessed that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

Whoever recognizes Jesus as the Son of God, God resides in him, and he also resides in God.

God loves our hearts, and we know and believe in them. God is love. He who resides in love resides in God, and God also resides in him.

In this way, love can be perfected within us, and we can be calm and fearless on the day of judgment. Because of how he is, so are we in this world.

There is no fear in love. Once love is complete, remove fear. Because fear contains punishment. People who are afraid may not be perfect in love.

We love because God loved us first.

If a person says, “I love God, but hate his brothers,” they are lying. He who does not love the brothers he sees cannot love the God he does not see. How can one love a god who is not seen.

Those who love God should also love our brothers, this is the command we receive from God.


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