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1 john _Chapter 2

My children, I am writing these words to you to prevent you from committing crimes. If any…

My children, I am writing these words to you to prevent you from committing crimes. If anyone sins, we have a mediator with the Father, who is Jesus Christ the righteous.

He made a redemption offering for our sins. Not only for our sins, but also for the sins of the whole world.

If we keep his commandments, we know that we know him.

If a person claims that I know him but do not keep his commandments, they are lying. The truth is no longer in his heart.

Whoever abides by the Lord’s way, the love for God is truly perfect in him, and from then on we know that we are in the Lord.

If a man says that he resides in the Lord, let him do as the Lord has done.

Dear brothers, what I am writing to you is not a new command, but an old command that you have received from the beginning. This old command is the way you hear.

Furthermore, what I am writing to you is a new command, which is true to the Lord and also true to you. Because the darkness is gradually passing, true light has already shone.

If a person claims to be in the light. But he hates his brothers, and he is still in darkness to this day.

He who loves his brother resides in the light, and there is no reason for him to stumble.

But those who hate their brothers are in darkness, and they walk in darkness without knowing where they are going, because darkness has made them blind.

Children, I am writing to you, because your sins have been forgiven through the name of the Lord.

Father, I am writing to you because you know the one who was from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. Boys, I wrote to you because you know your father.

Father, I have written to you, because you know him who was from the beginning. Young men, I have written to you, because you are strong, and the word of God endures in your hearts, and you have overcome the evil one.

Don’t love the world, and the things in the world. If a person loves the world, the heart of loving their father is no longer in them.

For everything in the world, like the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of this life, is not from the Father, but from the world.

This world, along with its desires, will pass. Only those who do the will of God will endure forever.

Boys, it’s the end of time now. You have heard that the antichrist is coming, and now many antichrists have come out. From then on, we knew that it was the end of time.

They went out from among us, but they didn’t belong to us. If it belongs to us, it will still be with us. They went out, it was obvious that none of them belonged to us.

You have received anointing from the Holy One and know all these things. (Both have knowledge)

I am writing to you not because you do not know the truth, but because you know and know that no lie comes from the truth.

Who is lying? Isn’t it the one who doesn’t recognize Jesus as Christ? He who does not recognize the Father and the Son is an antichrist.

Whoever does not recognize a son has no father. Those who recognize their sons have even their fathers.

As for you, keep in your heart what you have heard from the beginning. If you keep what you heard from the beginning in your heart, you will dwell in the Son and also in the Father.

What the Lord promises us is eternal life.

I am writing these words to you, referring to those who tempt you.

The anointing you receive from the Lord is always present in your hearts, and you do not need anyone to teach you. The anointing of the Lord will teach you in all things. This ointment is real, not fake. You shall abide in the Lord according to the doctrine of this anointing.

Boys, you must live in the Lord. In this way, if he appears, we can be calm and fearless. When he comes, he won’t feel ashamed in front of him.

If you know that he is righteous, then you know that all those who do righteousness are born of him.


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