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1 john _Chapter 3

What kind of love does the Father give us, that we may be called the children of God. We a…

What kind of love does the Father give us, that we may be called the children of God. We are really his children too. The reason why people do not know us is because they have not known him.

Dear brothers, we are now children of God, and our future is yet to be revealed. But we know that if the Lord appears, we will be like him. Because we must see his true body.

Whoever has this hope in him cleanses himself, just as he is pure.

Anyone who commits a crime violates the law. Violating the law is a sin.

You know that the Lord has appeared to eliminate human sin. He is not guilty.

Whoever resides in him does not commit any crime. Anyone who commits a crime has never seen or known him.

Boys, don’t be tempted by others, those who do righteousness are the righteous. Just as the Lord is righteous.

Those who commit crimes belong to the devil, because the devil has committed crimes from the beginning. The Son of God appeared to destroy the works of the devil.

Whoever is born of God does not sin, for the seed of God exists in his heart. He cannot sin either, because he was born of God.

From then on, it was revealed who were the children of God and who were the children of the devil. Whoever does not do justice does not belong to God. The same goes for those who do not love their brothers.

We should love each other. This is the command you have heard from the beginning.

Not like Cain. He belongs to the wicked and killed his brother. Why did you kill him? Because one’s own actions are evil, and the actions of brothers are good.

Brothers, if the world hates you, do not be surprised.

We know that we have gone from death to life because we love our brothers. Those without love still live in death.

Whoever hates his brothers is a murderer. You know that whoever kills does not have eternal life in him.

The Lord sacrificed his life for us, and from then on we know what love is. We should also sacrifice our lives for our brothers.

How can the love for God exist in anyone who has worldly wealth and sees their brothers in need but blocks their compassion?

Boys, we love each other, not just in words and tongue. Always focus on behavior and honesty.

From then on, we know that we belong to the truth, and our hearts can be at peace before God.

If our hearts rebuke us, God is greater than our hearts, and there is nothing that we do not know.

Dear brothers, if our hearts do not rebuke us, we can be calm and fearless towards God.

And all our desires come from him. Because we keep his commands and do what he pleases.

The commandment of God is to make us believe in the name of his son Jesus Christ, and to love one another according to the commandment he has given us.

Those who obey God’s commands reside within God. God also resides in him. We know that God resides in us because of the Holy Spirit he has given us.


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