首页 Titus Book Titus Book_Chapter 3

Titus Book_Chapter 3

Remind everyone to submit to the officials and rulers, to obey their orders, and to prepar…

Remind everyone to submit to the officials and rulers, to obey their orders, and to prepare for all good deeds.

Do not slander, do not compete, always be peaceful, and show great gentleness to everyone.

We used to be ignorant, rebellious, deceived, serving all kinds of desires and pleasures, always harboring a wicked and jealous heart, which was detestable and hated each other.

But when the grace of God our Savior and the love he has shown to people are revealed,

He saved us not because of our own righteousness, but according to his mercy, through the baptism of rebirth and the renewal of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is God’s generous pouring on us through Jesus Christ, our Savior.

So that we may be called righteous by his grace, and become heirs through the hope of eternal life. (Or can one endure eternal life with hope).

This is a trustworthy statement, and I also wish you to explain these things truthfully, so that those who have already believed in God may pay attention to doing a proper cause. All of these are good things and beneficial to people.

Avoid ignorant debates, empty genealogical discussions, and disputes, as well as disputes arising from the law. Because all of this is futile and meaningless.

A person who forms a clique and has been warned once or twice must be abandoned.

Because I knew that these people had already betrayed and committed crimes, and I knew I wasn’t, so I decided to take action.

When I send Athmas or Tychicus to you, hurry and go to Nicopolis to see me. Because I have already decided to spend the winter there.

You need to quickly bid farewell to lawyer Sina and Apollo, so that they are not lacking.

And our people should learn to do good deeds and prepare for what they need, so as not to fail to bear fruit.

Everyone who is with me greets you. Please greet those who love us with confidence. May grace always be with you all.




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