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Titus Book_Chapter 1

Paul, the servant of God and the apostle of Jesus Christ, through the faith of God’s…

Paul, the servant of God and the apostle of Jesus Christ, through the faith of God’s chosen people and knowledge of godly truth,

I hope that God, who has no lies, has promised eternal life before all ages,

At the deadline, with the effort of spreading it, his way was made clear. The responsibility for spreading this message was entrusted to me according to the commands of God and our Savior.

I am writing to Titus now to become my true son in accordance with our shared faith. May grace and peace be upon you from God the Father and our Savior Christ Jesus.

I left you in Crete to tidy up all the unfinished tasks, and to set up elders in every city as I commanded you.

If there is an blameless person who is the husband of only one woman, and whose children also believe in the Lord, and no one accuses them of being promiscuous and disobedient, then it can be established.

Supervision, as the steward of God, must be blameless, not willful, not irritable, not stirred up by wine, not hitting people, and not greedy for unjust wealth,

Willing to receive distant people, kind, dignified, fair, holy, and self-sufficient.

By adhering to the true principles taught, one can persuade others with pure lessons. I was able to refute the debaters again.

Because there are many people who do not obey constraints, speak empty words, and deceive others. That’s even more so for those who undergo circumcision.

These people always have to block their mouths. They corrupt the whole family of those who should not be taught because of their greed for unjust wealth.

A local prophet among the people of Crete said, “The people of Crete often lie, they are evil beasts, greedy and lazy.”.

This witness is true. So you must sternly rebuke them, so that they are pure and flawless in the true way.

Not listening to the desolate words of the Jews and the commandments of those who have abandoned the truth.

In a clean person, everything is clean. In a filthy and unbelieving person, nothing is unclean. Even the heart, earth, and heaven are polluted.

They said they knew God and acted against him. This is detestable, rebellious, and detestable in all good deeds.




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