st Kings _Chapter 13

At that time, a man of God came from Judah to Bethel by the ...

st Kings _Chapter 11

Besides Pharaoh’s daughter, King Solomon also favored ...

st Kings _Chapter 9

Solomon built the temple of the Lord and the palace of the k...

st Kings _Chapter 10

When the Queen of Sheba heard the fame that Solomon had gain...

st Kings _Chapter 8

At that time, Solomon gathered the elders of Israel, the lea...

st Kings _Chapter 7

Solomon built a palace for himself, which took thirteen year...

st Kings _Chapter 6

In the forty and eighty years after the Israelites left Egyp...

st Kings _Chapter 4

Solomon reigned over all Israel. His officials are recorded ...

st Kings _Chapter 5

King Hiram of Tyre has always loved David. When he heard tha...

st Kings _Chapter 3

Solomon married Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and took Pharaoh...