
psalm_Chapter 68

May God rise up and scatter his enemies, so that those who hate him may flee from before him.

They were expelled, like smoke blown away by the wind. The wicked perish in the face of God, like wax melted by fire.

Only the righteous will rejoice and be joyful and joyful before God.

Sing a poem to God and praise his name. Flatten the road for those who ride through the wilderness. His name is Jehovah. Be joyful in front of him.

God is the father of orphans and the avenger of widows in his holy place.

God calls the lonely to have a home, so that the imprisoned may come out to enjoy happiness. Only rebellious people live in dry places.

O God, you came out before your people and walked in the wilderness. (Fine pull)

At that time, the earth trembled in front of God, and the sky also rained. Mount Sinai trembled before the God of Israel.

God, you are pouring heavy rain. When your inheritance of Israel is weary, you strengthen it.

Your congregation resides within it. God, your grace is prepared for the poor.

The women who gave orders and sent good messages formed a large group.

The king who commanded the army fled, fled. Women waiting at home receive what they have taken.

When you lie in the sheepfold, it is like the wings of a dove plated with silver and the feathers plated with gold.

When the Almighty disperses the kings within his borders, it is like snow drifting on Samon.

Mount Bashan is the mountain of God. Bashan Mountain is a mountain with many peaks and ridges.

Why do you look askance at the mountain where God wishes to dwell, O mountains with many peaks and ridges. The Lord will dwell on this mountain. Until forever.

The chariots of God are burdened with countless chariots. The Lord is in it, as in Mount Sinai.

You have ascended to high heaven and plundered your enemies. You have received offerings among men, even among rebellious ones, so that the Lord God may dwell with them.

The Lord who bears our heavy burden every day is the God who saves us. It should be praised. (Fine pull)

God is the God who brings us all kinds of salvation. It is in the Lord Jehovah that a person can escape death.

But God will break the heads of his enemies, the hair tops of those who constantly sin.

The Lord said, I will bring all the people back from Bashan and from the deep sea.

To crush your enemies, to kick your feet in the blood, to score points with your dog’s tongue.

God, you are my God, my King. People have seen you walking, entering the sanctuary.

Singers lead, musicians follow, all among the drumming girls.

Praise the Lord God in all the congregation, who comes from the source of Israel.

There was the ruler of them, Jamin, the leaders of Judah, and their people. There is a leader from Sibulun. There are leaders of Naphtali.

The power of Israel is given by God. O God, strengthen the things that you have accomplished for us.

Because of your temple in Jerusalem, kings will bring tribute to you.

Rebuke the wild beasts among the reeds, the herd of bulls, and the calves among the nations, and kick the silver under your feet. God has scattered the nations ready for war.

The princes of Egypt will come out to appear before God. The ancient people should quickly raise their hands and pray.

Sing to God, O nations of the world. May you sing praises to the Lord,

Praise the Lord who has been driving above the heavens since ancient times. He made a loud sound.

You must give your power to God. His glory is above Israel, and his power is in the heavens.

God, you have been feared from the sanctuary. The God of Israel is the one who gives strength and power to his people. God should be praised.

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