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Lutheran Records_Chapter 4

Boaz arrived at the city gate and sat there, just as the closest relative Boaz had mention…

Boaz arrived at the city gate and sat there, just as the closest relative Boaz had mentioned passed by. Boaz said, ‘Someone, come and sit here.’. He came and sat down.

Boaz also selected ten elders from the city and said to them, “Please sit here.”. They all sat down.

Boaz said to his closest relatives, ‘Naomi, who has returned from the land of Moab, is now going to sell the land of our brother Elimelech.’.

I want you to redeem that piece of land, followed by me, and there is no one else besides me. You can explain to the people here and to the elders of my country that if you are willing to redeem, redeem; if you are unwilling to redeem, tell me. The person replied, “I am willing to redeem.”.

Boaz said, When you buy this land from Naomi, you should also marry Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the dead, so that the dead may retain his name in their inheritance.

The person said, “This way, I can’t redeem it, I’m afraid it will hinder my inheritance.”. You can redeem what I should redeem, I can’t redeem anymore.

Once upon a time, in Israel, it was to be decided whether to redeem or trade, and one person would take off their shoes and give them to another. The Israelites used this as evidence.

The man said to Boaz, “You can buy it yourself.”. So he took off his shoes.

Boaz said to the elders and all the people, As witnesses today, I have bought from Naomi all that belongs to Elimelech, Gilem, and Malun.

He also married Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of Malun, so that his name might be preserved in the inheritance of the dead, so that his name might not be destroyed in his own clan and hometown. You can testify today.

All the people and elders sitting at the city gate said, We are witnesses. May the Lord make this woman who enters your house like Rachel and Leah, who established the house of Israel. May you prosper in Ephraim and gain fame in Bethlehem.

May the Lord give you descendants from this young woman, so that your house may be like the house of Perez, who was born to Tamar from Judah.

So Boaz married Ruth and slept with her. The Lord made her pregnant and gave birth to a son.

The women said to Naomi, Blessed be the Lord. Because today I did not leave you with any close relatives. May this child gain fame in Israel.

He will lift up your spirit and nurture your old age, because it was born to the woman who admired you. Having a woman here is better than having seven sons.

Naomi took the child in her arms and became his foster mother.

The neighbor’s woman said, Naomi has a child. Give the child a name called Obede. This Obed is the father of Jesse, who is the father of David.

The descendants of Pharus are recorded below. Fares gave birth to Hislan.

Hezron gave birth to Ram, and Ram gave birth to Aminadab.

Aminadab gave birth to Nahshun, and Nahshun gave birth to Salmon.

Simon gave birth to Boaz, and Boaz gave birth to Obed.

Obed gave birth to Jesse, and Jesse gave birth to David.




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