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Lutheran Records_Chapter 3

Ruth’s mother-in-law Naomi said to her, “Daughter, shouldn’t I find a pl…

Ruth’s mother-in-law Naomi said to her, “Daughter, shouldn’t I find a place for you to rest and enjoy your happiness?”?

You are always with Boaz’s maids, isn’t Boaz our relative? He bumped the barley on the field tonight,

You should take a shower and apply ointment, change into clothes, and go down to the scene, but do not make that person recognize you. You wait for him to finish eating and drinking,

When it comes to his sleep, take a good look at the place where he is sleeping, go in and remove the blanket from his feet, lie down there, and he will tell you what to do.

Ruth said, I will do everything you command me.

Ruth descended to the scene and followed her mother-in-law’s instructions.

Boaz finished eating and drinking, and his heart rejoiced, so he went to sleep by the wheat heap. Lude quietly lifted the blanket from his feet and lay down there.

In the middle of the night, the person suddenly woke up and turned over, only to find a woman lying at his feet.

He said, who are you. Answer, I am your maid Ruth. Please cover me with your collar, for you are one of my closest relatives.

Boaz said, Daughter, may you be blessed by the Lord. Your future kindness is greater than before. Because young people, regardless of wealth, you have not followed.

Daughter, do not be afraid now; I will do whatever you say. Everyone in my city knows that you are a virtuous woman.

I am truly your closest relative, but there is someone closer than me.

If you stay here tonight and he is willing to do his duty as a relative for you tomorrow morning. Let him do it. If you refuse, I swear by the living Lord, I will fulfill my duty for you. Lie down until dawn.

Lude lay under his feet until dawn was approaching. When people can’t recognize each other, they get up. Boaz said, Do not let anyone know that a woman has come to the scene.

To the way, open the coat you are wearing. She opened it, and Boaz picked up six winnowns of barley and helped her carry it on her shoulders. She then went into the city.

Ruth returned to her mother-in-law and she said, “Daughter, how are you?”. Ruth recounted what the person had done to her.

And he said, The man gave me six winnows of barley and said to me, You must not go back empty handed to see your mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law said, Daughter, just sit still and wait, and see how this thing is accomplished, because that person will not rest until this thing is done today.




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