圣经 Leviticus Leviticus_Chapter 21

Leviticus_Chapter 21

The Lord said to Moses, Tell the priests of Aaron’s descendants that they shall not defile themselves for the dead among the people,

Unless it is for the parents, children, or brothers of his flesh and blood,

And the unmarried sisters who is a virgin can taint herself.

The priest, who is the leader among the people, shall not defile himself from the common customs.

Do not make your head bald, do not shave around your beard, and do not use a knife to cut your body.

Be holy to God and do not profane the name of God, because the offerings made by fire to the Lord, which are the food of God, are offered by them. Therefore, they shall be holy.

Do not marry a prostitute or an unclean woman, nor do you marry a divorced woman, because the priests are holy to God.

So you shall sanctify him, because he offers the food of your God, and you shall sanctify him, because the Lord, whom I sanctify, is holy.

If a priest’s daughter embarrasses herself by engaging in debauchery, she will embarrass her father and she will be burned with fire.

He who is a high priest among his brothers and has poured anointing oil on his head, and is consecrated, and who is clothed in holy clothing, shall not have his head disheveled or his clothes torn.

Do not approach dead bodies, nor do you contaminate yourself for your parents.

Do not leave the sanctuary, nor profane the sanctuary of God, for the crown of God’s anointing oil is on his head. I am Jehovah.

He wants to marry a virgin.

Widows, divorced women, or women who have been defiled as prostitutes are not allowed to marry, but only virgins from their own people.

Do not insult his children among the people, for I am the Lord who sanctifies them.

The Lord said to Moses,

Tell Aaron, ‘Throughout your generations, no one with a disability shall come near to offer the food of his God.’.

For anyone with a disability, whether blind, lame, with a sunken nose, or with excess limbs,

Folding feet and hands,

Do not approach people with hunchbacks, short stature, eye problems, ringworm, scabies, or kidney damage.

Any descendant of Aaron the priest who has a disability shall not come near and offer an offering made by fire to the Lord. He is disabled and cannot come near to offer God’s food.

God’s food, whether holy or most holy, he can eat it.

But you shall not enter before the curtain, nor come near the altar, because he has a disability, so as not to profane my sanctuary. I am the Lord who sanctifies him.

So Moses spoke to Aaron, his descendants, and all Israel.

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