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Habagu Book_Chapter 3

The prayer of the prophet Habakkuk, calling upon the song of exile. O Lord, when I hear yo…

The prayer of the prophet Habakkuk, calling upon the song of exile.

O Lord, when I hear your reputation, I am afraid. O Lord, restore your works in these years, and let them be revealed in these years. In the time of anger, let mercy be remembered.

God came from Teman, and the Holy One came from Mount Paran. His glory covers the heavens, and his praise fills the earth.

His glory is like sunlight. Light shot out of his hand. His abilities are hidden within it.

There is an epidemic in front of him, and a fever is spreading under his feet.

He stood up, measured the earth, watched, and scattered all the people. Permanent mountain collapses, persistent mountain collapses. His actions are the same as in ancient times.

I have seen the tents of Gushan in distress, and the curtains of Midian tremble.

O Lord, when you ride on a horse and sit on a victorious chariot, do you not rejoice in the rivers, and be angry with them, and angry with the seas?

Your bow is fully exposed. The oath taken to all the tribes is trustworthy. You divide the earth with rivers.

Mountains see you, fearless in battle. The flood overflowed, and the abyss roared and churned. Raise your hand upwards in the original text.

Because your arrows shine, your guns shine, and the sun and moon come to a halt in this palace.

You travel through the earth in anger and hatred. To be angry and punish nations is like threshing grain.

You come out to save your people, save your anointed ones, and break the heads of the wicked parents. Expose his feet, even to the neck. (Fine pull)

You use the enemy’s spear to pierce through the head of his warrior. They came like a whirlwind, trying to scatter us. What they love is to secretly devour the poor.

If you ride a horse and trample on the Red Sea, you are trampling on the surging waters.

I heard the voice of the Lord, my body trembled, my lips trembled, and my bones rotted. I tremble where I stand. I can only wait quietly for the day of disaster to come, the people who have violated the border.

Although fig trees do not flourish, grape trees do not bear fruit, olive trees do not work, fields do not produce food, sheep are cut off in pens, and there are no cows in sheds.

However, I will rejoice in the Lord, and rejoice in the God who saved me.

The Lord is my strength. He makes my feet as fast as the hooves of a deer. And it keeps me stable on high ground. This song is presented to the director using stringed instruments.




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