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Habagu Book_Chapter 2

I will stand at the watchtower and watch from the watchtower, and see what the Lord says t…

I will stand at the watchtower and watch from the watchtower, and see what the Lord says to me, and what words I can use to avenge him. (To file a complaint or answer a question to him).

He said to me, Write this implied meaning clearly on the plate, so that those who read it can read it easily.

Because this implication has a certain date and is about to be fulfilled, it is not a lie. Although delayed, we still have to wait. Because it is bound to come, there will be no further delay.

The Chaldeans were arrogant and lacked integrity in their hearts. Only righteous people are born through faith.

The Chaldeans are deceitful and arrogant because of wine, they do not dwell in their homes, they expand their desires like the underworld. He is like a dead man who cannot be satisfied, gathering all nations and piling up all peoples for himself.

Will not all the people of these nations bring up poetry and mock him with the common saying, ‘Woe to the Chaldeans, how long will you add wealth that does not belong to you, and take many people’s heads?’?

Will those who bite you suddenly rise up, and those who disturb you not rise up, and you will be their prey?

Because you have plundered many nations, killed and shed blood, and carried out violence against the cities and all the inhabitants of your land, so the remaining people of all nations will plunder you.

Woe to those who accumulate unjust wealth for their own family, build nests on high places, and hope to avoid disaster.

You have conspired to cut off the people of many nations and committed sins, causing shame to your home and causing harm to your own life.

The stones inside the wall will call out, and the pillars inside the house will answer.

Woe to those who build cities with human blood and establish cities with iniquity.

Is it not from the Lord of hosts that all the people’s labor is burned with fire, and all the nations’ labor is reduced to nothingness?

Fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as water fills the seas.

Woe to those who give people wine to drink, and add poison to make them drunk, so that they may see their genitals.

You are full of shame, without glory. You can also drink it, it shows that you are uncircumcised. The cup of the right hand of the Lord will come to you, and your glory will become a great shame.

Your acts of violence against Lebanon and the slaughter and terror of wild beasts will cover you up. Because you have killed and shed blood, and have committed violence against the cities of the land and all its inhabitants.

What is the benefit of carving an idol? The idol cast is the master of lies. What is the benefit of manufacturers relying on this mute idol?

To the puppet, wake up; to the mute statue, wake up! Woe to that person. Can this still teach people a lesson? Look, it’s wrapped in gold and silver, with no breath in it.

But the Lord is in his temple. All the people in the world should be revered and silent in front of him.




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