
Galatians_Chapter 2

After fourteen years, I went up to Jerusalem again with Barnabas and took Titus with me.

I went up by revelation and presented the gospel that I preached among the Gentiles to my brothers. But it was said behind the scenes to the famous person. Lest I run in vain now, or in the past.

But Titus, who went with me, although he was a Greek, did not force him to undergo circumcision.

Because there are false brothers who have been secretly brought in, secretly spying on our freedom in Christ Jesus, to make us slaves.

We have not allowed obedience to them for an instant, so that the truth of the gospel may still exist among you.

As for those with fame, no matter who they are, they have nothing to do with me. God does not judge people by their appearance. Those with fame did not add anything to me.

On the contrary, I saw that the Lord entrusted me to preach the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter entrusted me to preach the gospel to the circumcision.

(He who moved Peter and called him an apostle for circumcision also moved me and called me an apostle for the Gentiles)

And knowing the grace bestowed upon me, Jacob, Cephas, and John, who are called the pillars of the church, made a right hand gesture of fellowship with me and Barnabas, calling us to go to the Gentiles, and to the circumcision.

Just willing us to remember the poor. This is also what I was originally enthusiastic about doing.

Later, when Cephas arrived at Antioch, I resisted him face to face because he was responsible.

Before the people who came from Jacob arrived, he ate with the Gentiles. When they arrived, he withdrew from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who were circumcised.

The other Jews also pretended to be with him. Even Barnabas pretended to be with the group.

But as soon as I saw that their actions were not right and did not conform to the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of everyone, “As a Jew, if you walk with the Gentiles and do not walk with the Jews, how can you still force the Gentiles to follow the Jews?”?

We, the Jews who were born, are not sinners of the Gentiles,

Knowing that we are justified not by the work of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ, not by the work of the law, because no one is justified by the work of the law.

If we seek to be justified in Christ, but still remain sinners, is Christ the one who causes people to sin? Definitely not.

If I rebuild what I have always demolished, it proves that I am a criminal.

I died to the law because of the law, so that I may live to God.

I have been crucified with Christ. What lives now is no longer me, but Christ lives within me. And now I live in the flesh because I believe in the Son of God, who loves me and sacrifices himself for me.

I will not waste the grace of God. If righteousness is obtained through the law, Christ died in vain.

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