首页 The Book of Philemon The Book of Philemon_Chapter 1

The Book of Philemon_Chapter 1

Paul, who was imprisoned for Christ Jesus, and his brother Timothy, wrote to our beloved c…

Paul, who was imprisoned for Christ Jesus, and his brother Timothy, wrote to our beloved colleague Philip,

And your sister Aphaea, and your fellow soldier Achib, as well as the church in your house.

May grace and peace be upon you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

When I pray, I mention you and always thank my God for you.

Because I have heard of your love and your faith in the Lord Jesus and all the saints. (Or because I heard that you have love and faith towards the Lord Jesus and all the saints)

May the faith that you share with others come to fruition, so that people may know that all your good deeds are done for Christ.

Brother, I am filled with joy and comfort for your love. Because the hearts of all the saints have been refreshed from you.

Although I can confidently command you what is appropriate through Christ.

However, Paul, who is of my age and now imprisoned for Christ Jesus, would rather beg you through love.

I beg you for my son Anisimus, whom I gave birth to in chains.

He was not beneficial to you before, but now he is beneficial to both you and me.

I will send him personally back to your place now. He is the person in my heart.

I originally intended to keep him and serve you in the bonds I have received for the gospel.

But I don’t know what you mean, so I don’t want to do this, so that your good deeds are not out of coercion, but out of willingly doing.

He temporarily leaves you, or you can always have him.

I am no longer a servant, but higher than a servant, my dear brother. I am truly like this, let alone in you. It doesn’t matter if it’s based on the body, it’s based on the Lord.

If you take me as your companion, accept him as you accept me.

If he owes you something, or owes you anything, it will be credited to my account.

I will repay it. This was written by Paul himself. I don’t have to tell you, even you owe me.

Brother, may you bring me joy in the Lord because of you. And I hope you will make my heart free in Christ.

I am writing to you, firmly convinced that you will submit and know that what you want to do will exceed what I say.

Moreover, prepare a place for me to live, for I hope to receive grace from you through your prayers.

Epaphrodites, who is in prison with me for Christ Jesus, greets you.

Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, who work with me, all greet you.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ remain in your heart. Amen.




