首页 The Book of Judaism The Book of Judaism_Chapter 1

The Book of Judaism_Chapter 1

Judas, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, wrote a letter to those who were …

Judas, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, wrote a letter to those who were called and loved in God the Father, to keep Jesus Christ safe.

May mercy, peace, and love be greatly bestowed upon you.

Dear brothers, I would like to write to you with all my heart, and when we were saved together, I have no choice but to write and persuade you to argue with all your might about the truth that was delivered to the saints before.

Because some people sneak in, who have been sentenced to punishment since ancient times, are not devout and turn the grace of our God into an opportunity to indulge our desires, and do not recognize the one ruler over us, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Once the Lord saved his people from the land of Egypt, but later he destroyed those who did not believe. All of these things, although you all know, I still want to remind you.

There are also angels who do not abide by their place of residence, and the Lord has kept them forever in darkness with chains, waiting for the judgment of the great day.

Like Sodom, Gomorrah, and the people of the surrounding cities, who indulged in debauchery and followed their rebellious desires, and received the punishment of eternal fire as a warning.

These dreamers are also like them who defile their bodies, disrespect their rulers, and slander those who hold high positions.

Archangel Michael, while arguing with the devil over the body of Moses, did not dare to accuse him with slander, but only said, “The Lord rebukes you.”.

But these people slander what they don’t know. What they know by nature, just like those non spiritual animals, has corrupted themselves in this matter.

They are in trouble. Because he followed the path of Cain, and went straight towards the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the betrayal of Korah.

Such people, when they eat with you at your feast of love, are like rocks. They are shepherds who only feed themselves without fear. It is a cloud without rain, swayed by the wind, a tree without fruit in autumn, dead and dead, uprooted from its roots.

It’s a raging wave in the sea, foaming with its own shameful foam. It is a wandering star, with a dark darkness left for them forever.

Enoch, the seventh generation descendant of Adam, prophesied these people, saying, “See, the Lord has come with his millions of Holy Ones.”,

To carry out judgment on everyone, to prove all those who are ungodly, to do all the wrong things, and to prove the stubborn words spoken by the ungodly sinners against him.

These people talk privately, often complain, follow their own desires, and speak exaggerated words in order to gain benefits and flatter others.

Dear brothers, remember the words spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ in the past.

They have said to you that in the end times there will be mockers who will follow their own ungodly desires.

These are those who lead people into cliques, belong to the bloodline, and do not have the Holy Spirit.

Dear brothers, but cultivate yourselves in the most holy truth and pray in the Holy Spirit,

Keep yourself in the love of God, and look up to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ until eternal life.

Some people have doubts, please have mercy on them.

Some people need to be rescued from the fire. Some of you should have a heart of fear and pity them. Even the clothes stained with desire should be despised.

Our Savior, the One God, who can keep you from slipping and make you flawless, standing before his glory with joy and joy.

May glory, majesty, power, and authority be to our Lord Jesus Christ, from ancient times and now, forever and ever. Amen.




