圣经 The Book of Empress Timothy The Book of Empress Timothy_Chapter 2

The Book of Empress Timothy_Chapter 2

My son, be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus.

You must entrust those who are loyal and able to teach others to whom you have heard my teachings in front of many witnesses.

You will suffer with me, like the elite soldiers of Christ Jesus.

Anyone who serves in the army shall not be entangled in worldly affairs, so as to please those who recruit him to serve.

If a person competes in martial arts on the field and does not follow the rules, they cannot receive a crown.

A laborious farmer should receive food first.

You need to think about what I said. For in all things the Lord will give you wisdom.

Remember that Jesus Christ is a descendant of David. He was resurrected from the dead, just as I preached the gospel.

I suffer for this gospel, even being bound like a prisoner. However, the way of God is not bound.

So I endure all things for the elect, that they may also receive salvation in Christ Jesus and eternal glory.

There is a trustworthy saying that if we die with Christ, we will also live with him.

If we can endure, we will also reign with him. If we do not recognize him, he will also not recognize us.

Even if we break our promise, he is still trustworthy. Because he can’t go against his own back.

Make everyone remember these things and charge them before the Lord not to argue over words. This is not beneficial, it can only corrupt those who hear it.

Make every effort to find joy in God’s sight, to be a worker without shame, to break down the word of truth according to righteousness.

But avoid worldly empty talk. Because these people will advance to a more ungrateful state.

Their words are like poison sores, getting worse and bigger. Among them were Xumenai and Philippians.

They have deviated from the true way, saying that the resurrection has passed, and have corrupted the faith of many.

However, the strong foundation of God has been established. There is a mark on it that says, The Lord knows who His people are. And it is said that anyone who calls by the name of the Lord must depart from unrighteousness.

In wealthy households, there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also wooden and tile vessels. There are those who are valuable and those who are lowly.

If a person cleanses themselves from lowly things, they will become precious vessels, holy and suitable for the Lord’s use, prepared to do all kinds of good deeds.

You must flee from the desires of young men and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who pray to the Lord with a pure heart.

Only those foolish and ignorant debates must be abandoned. Because I know that such matters are subject to competition.

However, the servants of the Lord shall not compete, but shall treat everyone with gentleness, be skilled in teaching, and be patient with heart,

Use gentle admonition to those who resist. Or perhaps God can give them a repentant heart to understand the truth.

Tell them, who have been taken captive by the devil at will, to awaken and escape from his trap.

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