
sing highbrow songs_Chapter 4

My beloved, you are very beautiful, you are very beautiful. Your eyes inside the handkerchief look like pigeon eyes. Your hair is like a flock of goats lying by the side of Mount Gilead.

Your teeth are like a flock of newly sheared ewes, washed up, each with twins, and not a single one has lost its child.

Your lips are like a vermilion thread, and your mouth is also beautiful. Your two suns are inside your handkerchief, like a pomegranate.

Your neck is like a high platform built by David for collecting weapons, with a thousand shields hanging from it, all of which are the vines of warriors.

Your two breasts are like a pair of deer grazing in a lily flower, which are twins of a mother deer.

I will go to Wuyao Mountain and Ruxiang Hill until it cools down and the shadows fly away.

My beloved, you are completely beautiful and flawless.

My bride, please leave Lebanon with me and leave Lebanon with me. Looking down from the top of Amarna, from the top of Shinir and Hermon, from the cave with lions, and from the mountain with leopards.

My sister, my bride, you have taken my heart. You take my heart with your eyes and a golden chain on your neck.

My sister, my bride, how beautiful your love is. Your love is more beautiful than wine. The fragrance of your ointment surpasses all fragrances.

My bride, your lips drip honey. It’s like a beehive dripping honey. You have honey and milk under your tongue. The fragrance of your clothes is like the fragrance of Lebanon.

My sister, my bride, is a locked garden, a closed well, and a closed spring.

The pomegranates planted in your garden bear beautiful fruits, as well as the hibiscus and the nard tree.

Where are there, saffron, calamus, and osmanthus, and all kinds of frankincense, myrrh, agarwood, and all the finest fruits.

You are a spring in the garden, a well of living water, and a stream flowing down from Lebanon.

North wind, rise up. South wind, blowing. Blowing in my garden, making its fragrance come out. May my beloved enter his own garden and eat his beautiful fruits.

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